Chapter Forty-Three

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Hollis wakes up and goes downstairs. She finds Tig and Selma talking.


"Hey, baby." Selma hugs her. "I wanna take Selena for a few days. I talked to my nephew on the phone. He said you go through you."

"Selena loves you, Selma, that'd be good for her," Hollis says. "But there's been some stuff going on. Bakersfield might be the safest place until Pope is gone."

"I can come back for pickups on titty milk."

"Or I'll just make Hap bring some up to you," Holly says.

"I'll keep Selena until it's here," Selma promises. "I'll keep her safe, Hollis. Always. Just let me know when it's okay for her to come back."

"I will," Holly replies and she smiles at Selma. "She's just woke up."

"I'm gonna head out, doll, club stuff," Tig says when he gets off the phone. "Stuff went down. Try and bring Selena by the clubhouse before leaving Charming, Selma. Hap Will Wanna see her."

"I will," Selma replies and Tig leaves.

"I feel like a bad mother for this."

"Honey, you want that girl safe," Selma says. "You are an outstanding mother."

"Will I be a good mother for two?"

"You're pregnant again!?" Selma smiles. "Oh! Congrats! And be careful. I'll go get Selena and you get her stuff ready?" She asks when Selena wakes up.

The Sons all say he to Selena and Happy gives her love. He understands why Holly wants Selma to keep her until Pope and maybe August are taken care of so it's safe here for Selena. Selma leaves once Happy is done with Selena.

"I just talked to Quinn," Hap says once Selma is gone with the baby and heading tossed Bakersfield. "He found Frankie."

"Hey, we're headed to Tahoe," Tig says to Hollis. "You be okay alone?"

"I'm gonna go help at Diosa Norte, help Nero out," Hollis replies.

Hollis takes off after the Sons do. She goes to Diosa and heads inside.

"Hey, Holly," Nero greets.

"Hey," Holly greets. "How's Lyla?"

"She'll be fine," Nero replies. "I gotta go. Can you call me if anything happens?"

"Yes, sir."

"Just Nero," he says. "None of that sir stuff."


Hollis takes Abel and Thomas again as Tara has things to do. Thomas is such a good baby. He barely ever cries. The same thing goes for Abel. He's a good kid, even for a toddler. Abel is playing with toys and drawing while Thomas plays with some toys in the playpen, sitting up.

Holly gets the dogs and Phoenix fed before she calls Selma to check on the baby. She hated sending Selena off to Bakersfield but it's only until Charming is safe again.

Hollis makes Abel and Thomas laugh as she tickles them later on. She likes spending time with Abel and Thomas. Jax said he'd teach them to say aunt Holly as they get over and that's what Abel calls her now instead of just 'Hol'.

"Aunt Holly, that tickles!" Abel croons with giggles and she stops. "Aunt Holly, I hungry."

"You are?" Holly asks. "What do you want?"

"Mac - cheese."

Hollis brings the two downstairs and she macaroni n cheese for Abel. She warms up a bottle of Tara's tit milk for Thomas. After feeding and burping Thomas, Hollis pumps some milk and freezes it in bags for when Happy gets ready to run them to Bakersfield for her to Selma's for Selena.

Tara has asked Holly to watch Abel and Thomas all week and she's all for it. Tara just came and picked the two of them up and asked her. Holly called Jax and he said he's cool with because he trusts Holly with his kid's lives.

She told Selma she just wants Selena to stay to the weekend. She'll protect her. That's the decision Selma knew she'd make. She's a good mom.

Hollis is now sitting on Happy's lap with her legs on Tig's while she smokes a blunt with the two of them. Tig rubs on her leg and Hap enjoys the weed with Hollis while Tig smokes a cigarette instead of the pot. He had a joint a few minutes ago. They're all chilling together until the guys have to go.

Happy closes his eyes as Hollis sucks his dick and Tig does her anally. Holly is enjoying their alone time as she moans heavily during the anal sex and oral she's giving to Hap. Hap and Tig have each other's hands while they also hold onto her hair. This is how these three enjoy their night while Jax follows Juice, the rat that's at the table.

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