Chapter Forty-Two

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Hollis puts the babies in a sling and holds Abel's hand when she gets a call that Gemma's in the hospital. She was driving home and got into a car accident. She keeps Thomas and Selena secure against her  as she holds Abel's hand.

Jax comes strutting down the hallway, Tara with him. "What happened?"

"Gem was in an accident," Hollis says. "Said she was on her way home and wrecked. Glad the boys were with me and not her."

"Yeah," Jax says and he looks at his sons. "Thank God for you, Holly, our angel."

Hollis winks at Jax and he chuckles. He picks Abel up when he reaches for him and he goes to see if he can find something out about his mother. Abel hugs his dad and Jax holds him close.

"Hey, son," Jax whispers.

"Daddy," Abel coos as he hides his face in Jax's neck.

"Can you take the boys to your house while I see my mom?" Jax asks Holly when Tara shows up.

"Of course, Jax," Holly replies and she takes the boys and goes home.

Abel goes to play with the dogs and she lets Thomas run around in the walker with Selena and Phoenix chases each baby, even Abel.

Tig goes to the house to sit with Hollis and the kids and Chibs gets Hap. Phil is going to stay at St. Thomas to watch over Gemma because Jax asked him to. Tig rubs Hollis's thigh as Abel is distracted with laughing at Jinx chase Axel around, barking. 

"You're a good old lady to both me and Happy," Tig says to her.

"And Gemma didn't even have to train me."

"Oh, doll, she trained you when you were a crow eater," Tig remarks. "At least Jax and Tara met you babysit."

"He knows I love these babies," Hollis replies. "Jax. Thomas. They're good boys. Raised right so far."

Tig kisses Hollis tenderly on the lips and pulls away. He picks Abel up and runs outside with him lifted over his head, mark the the baby laugh loudly in pure happiness. Hollis smiles and she puts the babies on the blanket in the floor and tickles them both, making them laugh and kick their legs. Tig carries Abel inside and they let him okay with the babies as Hollis lays against the crazy loon biker named Alexander Trager, aka Tig.

"I love you, Holly."

"I know," Holly replies. "I love you, too, Tiggy."

When the kids are napping in the nursery - Abel wanted a blanket pallet on the floor -, Tig is ducking Hollis from behind. She's low to the bed and he's thrusting into her rhythmically. He grips onto Hollis's hips that are close to bed and he lifts her ass up. He starts pounding harder into her and she whimpers in nothing but pure pleasure.

"Tiggy..." Hollis moans.

Tig thrusts fast and hard and sloppy as he cums inside of her.

"Tiggy, I'm pregnant," Holly blurts.



Tig hums a little and kisses her head and the babies wake up. He and Hollis get dressed to go feed the babies.

When Tara goes to pick up the boys, she finds the damndest sight. Tig, Hollis, Abel, Thomas, and Selena all knocked out on a mattress in the living room floor. Abel is sprawled out between Tig and Hollis. Tig is holding Selena and Hollis has Abel, who's sleeping on Hollis's tit pillows. Tig is snoring because he's asleep on his back.

"Did Hollis kill the kids?" Jax asks as he stands with Eli when Tara calls him.

"No, but they're all passed out with her and Tig," Tara replies. "I'll send you a picture before I wake them."

"Okay," Jax replies.

Tara hangs up and sends a picture. She kicks Hollis's foot and wakes her up. Holly yawns and she wakes Abel. The kids go to Tara.

"Thanks for watching them, Hollis," Tara says genuinely.

"You're welcome, Tara," Hollis replies with a smile.

Tara leaves with Abel and Thomas. Tig grunts awake when Hollis takes Selena. He gets up and he stretches out. Hollis walks upstairs when Tig goes to get a drink of water or soda. Holly gets naked and gets in the bed. She lays in her back and spreads her legs wide open.

Tig walks in and freezes. He looks at Happy, who came home after Tara picked the boys up. Hollis smiles when she sees sees them both and she touches her push, exciting both men. They start stripping when they enter the room since they know Lena is asleep and the baby is a very deep sleeper.

Hollis giggles as the two naked bikers run at her and jump on the bed with the naked old lady.

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