Chapter Sixty

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Tyrone takes the Selena and looks at Hollis.

"She doesn't know us, Holly, don't worry, she didn't recognize us," Luther reassures her. "She hasn't met us."

"There's someone here to see you," Jake says as Willa takes Selena from Ty when he goes outside for a smoke.

"Holly!" Fawn exclaims happily.

Holly smiles widely as she hugs Fawn. "I told you it'd be safe again one day," Holly coos. "You Trager's are safe. Jax made sure of it."

Fawn pulls away. "Can I see my dad?"

"Yes," Holly replies. "Fawn, the baby, it is both your father and Happy's."

Fawn's eyes widen in happiness. "A boy or girl?"

"A little boy," Holly replies. "Harry Piermont Trager Lowman."

"Harry, I like that name," Fawn says. "Did dad bury Dawn?"

"In Charming Cemetery," Holly replies. "I'll bring you in a few days. I have to help the SAMCRO president first."

"I'm just glad to me home," Fawn admits. "Xavier is great but jeez."

"Love you, too, babe," Xavi muses.

"I needed some girl time, hopefully with the mother of my sister Selena and my soon-to-be brother Harry," Fawn replies. "Wanna take Selena too the park?"

"Yes," Hollis replies.

Hollis and Fawn leave with Selena. Maurice, Telson, and Lenox follow them to be sure they're safe. Holly and Fawn bring Selena over to the swings.

Fawn, Holly, and Hollis go to the 8-Er house and they find Xavier with a Green Whore; a green whore is the 8-Er's version of a crow eater. Hollis punches him when Fawn dumps him and they head to the ice cream shop in Charming.

"Fawn?" Tig gasps.

"Hey, dad."

Tig hugs her tightly and smiles. "It's good to see you again."

They watch as a girl named Brooke leads Chucky out of the building. Tig kisses his daughter's head and heads upstairs. Fawn takes Selena and goes over to Missy. Holly gets some candy out of the jars and leaves money on the counter. She sits in a booth and snacks on the sour candies she got.

"Jax!" Hollis cheers when he enters.

"Hey, Holly," Jax greets. "Fawn. Good to see you again."

"You too," Fawn says. "Thanks for making it safe for me to be here again."

"You're welcome, darlin'," Jax replies and he goes to talk to Gemma.

"Hey, Lieutenant Roosevelt," Hollis greets as he walks in with the attorney Patterson.

"Hi again, Mrs. Lowman," Eli greets as the guys come downstairs and Fawn stands beside her father.

"We should talk, Jackson," Peterson claims.

Jax gives his mom a kiss on the cheek. "Tell Nero I'll see him at Diosa," he whispers to his mom.

Gemma nods and Jax goes to talk to Patterson. Gemma tells her to suck her white crack when she leaves.

Eli goes and sits with Hollis and Patterson sighs. She and Jax go to talk outside.

"You're getting further along than the last time I saw you," Eli notes.

"I'm due in a few weeks with this little man," Holly replies. "I'm sorry about your wife and unborn child."

Eli nods. "I know you are and I appreciate it. It's not your fault."

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