Chapter Thirty-Three

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... a continuation from where we left off in chapter 32.

Clay is gasping for air because he thinks Opie got a lung when he shot him. Opie goes to shoot him again but Jax shoots his arm. Opie gasps and grunts as he's knocked into the table, his gun flying out of his hand. He slams his head down and brings his best friend since fucking diapers to the ground.

Jax then gets up and runs to where Clay is. He puts his gun down and examines his chest. "Ah, shit," he grumbles as he looks at the gunshots that are not looking good.

Rat and Wayne come running in.

"Shit," Rat says when he sees Opie knocked out on the ground and he looks to see Clay shot.

"Call an ambulance!!!" Jax yells when Rat and Wayne keep asking what happened. "Now!!"

"Gunshots," Wayne says. "Sheriff's gonna be all over this!"

"Get me outside," Clay grunts. "It happened in the garage." He's wheezing for air.

Rat runs over and he helps Jax lift Clay up to bring him to the garage.

"What do I tell Roosevelt, huh?" Wayne asks as Jax and Ray carry Clay by. "Mexicans?"

"No," Clay replies, "say it was black."

"Yeah, yeah," Jax agrees. "Hey, I'll take care of Opie," he adds to Wayne before he and Rat get Clay out of the chapel. "Get rid of those guns and clean up the blood!"

Tig went to Hap and Hollis's before the shooting and he lays on the couch, shirtless, with Selena asleep in his chest. He agreed to baby duty so that Happy and Hollis can have some sex. Happy said he'd do that for them next time, and them Holly will do it for them.

Tig looks down at the baby and smiles. He wonders why Coleen wouldn't let him see Dawn and Fawn when they were babies. He smiles at the kid and he runs his hand down her head. She looks like Hollis when she sleeps but otherwise, she looks like Haopt.

"Man, put the baby sling on or something," Happy demands as he and a fully dress Hollis come downstairs. "Clay was shot."

Hollis takes the baby and they run outside. Happy and Tig ride their bikes and Holly drives. Tig puts the baby sling on.

"I'm still in baby duty, guys, let me have her," Tig says.

Happy secures Selena into the sling and they go into St. Thomas. They find Wayne talking to Eli (Sheriff Roosevelt). Happy and Hollis sit in a row of chairs behind Chibs and Tig remains standing with a baby on his chest, worried about Clay.

"... I was heading over to get a new starter for my truck," Wayne says. "I roll up to the gate, see a black SUV speeding out. A Yukon, I think. Looked like two African-American males," he says and Eli cuts his eyes up at him and his deputies and back to Wayne. "Uh, tinted windows. Didn't get a real good look."


"But I pulled into the lot, I find Clay laying there," Wayne continues.

"Did he say anything?" Eli asks. "About the shooters."

"No, he was... barely conscious," Wayne replies. "I called EMS."

"And there was no one left on the lot?" Eli asks.

"No, we'd slit about an hour or so before," Chibs replies.

"So Clay was by himself?" The sheriff asks.

"Yes, sir," Hollis replies.

"He was keeping the garage open late for me," Wayne says.

"Yeah? And what about security cameras?" The sheriff quizzes.

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