Chapter Forty-Seven

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Hollis lays in between Tig and Happy at few days later. She's finally reached that nine week mark and she's going with guy guys to St. Thomas to do the DNA test. She wakes them up before she goes to take a shower and they head to the hjapiral after Tig and Hap have had coffee and a cigarette each.

Dr. Chambers, the DNA tester here at St. Thomas, comes into the room. "I got your results," Chambers says. "Did you know there is a possibility for a baby to have the DNA of two biological parents?"

"Really?" Holly asks.

"It's possible that stem cells from a male to be used to produce an egg, allowing for the child to have two biological fathers. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are stem cells that give rise to sperm or egg cells," Chambers explains. "Both Mr. Lowman and Mr. Trager are the father of your child, Mrs. Lowman."

"Oh, that's great!" Hollis grins.

"Congratulations," Chambers says. "You know, I've never met a polyamorous couple in real life before. Is it really as cool as one reads about."

"Yeah," Tig replies. "It's great, Doc."

They eventually get up and they head out after talking to Dr. Chambers for a while longer. Hollis calls Lyla immediately to tell her the DNA results. She tells Lyla first because: A) she's Hollis's current best friend and B) Lyla is watching Selena at Diosa right now.

Hollis goes out to Diosa and she picks Selena up.

"So they're both your unborn baby's father?" Lyla asks as she walks with Holly and Selena put to Holly's car.

"Yeah," Holly replies. "I didn't expect it but I'm happy with the results."

"And I'm happy for you," Lyla says and she gives her a hug.

"I'm going to go and introduce her to my new gang and then I'm gonna visit some Mexican friends of mine in Lodi," Hollis says. "I'll see you later, Lyl."

"See you later, babe," Lyla says and the two hug and Hollis leaves with Selena.

"Hey, baby h," Telson, a black gay gangster, cheers as he sees Hollis and he hugs her. "Ooh! A baby! Guys! Baby h brought a baby!"

"Telson," Tyrone muses, "let her come in and introduce us to her daughter."

"Wait. Your daughter?" Telson asks cheerfully.

"He just said that, idiot," Willis comments. Willis is biracial, black and white, and he's amazing with a gun.

"Why aren't you with your men, baby girl?" Tyrone asks.

"They got hired as muscle for a Latino gangster," Hollis replies. "And I'm doing my own thing. I'm in your gang, men. This is a check in."

"I accept that," Cyndi says.

There are four members of the 8-ers, including Hollis. Cyndi, Karmen, Willa, and Hollis.

"This is Selena Lowman, my daughter."

The guys and girls all surround them to greet the baby.

After hanging out with her gang for a while, Hollis goes to the Alvarez house and both Marcus and Chana are more than willing to let her and Selena inside. Marcus is surprised to see she still wears the rosary. She and Happy have been married a while and she's had the rosary since the wedding.

"It's good to see you again," Marcus says as Luisa and Selena babble sitting up on the floor.

"I figured since I was visiting my gang, the 8-ers, I'd visit you guys, too," Holly says.

"You're an 8-er now?" Marcus smiles. "Good choice. Better than the Niners. We have a willing and not forced alliance with them."

"So do the Sons. They have an alliance with us."

After spending a few hours in Lodi, Hollis brings Selena to the clubhouse and goes to the TM office for her shift in there. She sees an American Bulldog x Pit Bull mix dog on the pool table when she goes to check on the bikers inside.

"Watch her," Tig replies. "She's our new dog. She was fixed before being a fight dog and her name is now Missy."


Hollis walks over and she lets Missy lick her face once she gets a smell. "Hi, Missy," Holly hums.

Missy barks and Holly smiles.

"Yeah, hi girl," Holly coos as she scratches between Missy's ear.

"She can stay here until her stitches heal and then she can meet the boys and Phoenix," Chibs says.


Missy barks in happiness as Hollis gives her affection and love instead of making her fight like the assholes at that place did. Holly licks her face and basically, almost purrs like a cat. Chibs hears the baby through the monitor. Hollis put her in the crib to play.

"There's titty milk in the fridge behind the bar," Hollis says when Chibs goes to get Selena.

Chibs grabs the bottle and he goes to the dorm to get Selena. He misses when he could do this for his daughter Kerrianne. That's why Holly has no issue letting him. He has a soft spot for kids, all of the Sons do... especially their own kids or babies.

Hollis stays with Missy and lets Chibs tend to Selena because he wanted to.

Hollis watches as Chibs sits on the loveseat in the bar room with Selena in his arms. He's singing a lullaby in Scottish Gaelic. He didn't really have much to do with her in the past but Chibs is going to change that. Selena is as much family as Abel and Thomas are.

Tig comes in. He gives Hollis a kiss before he sits and loves on Missy.

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