Chapter Thirty-One

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Hollis lets Selma in the next morning and she hugs the woman and takes her baby. Selena squeals happily when she sees her mama and Holly lets Selma inside.

"This house is beautiful, Holly," Selma gushes as she looks around. "Absolutely beautiful."

"Yeah," Holly replies and she watches as Selma shafts loving on Jinx and Axel once they start licking her face in approval. "Thank you."

Selma smiles. "How 'bout a tour and I buy you breakfast?"

Hollis nods and the two head put to walk around once Hollis is in Happy's SAMCRO hoodie, some leggings, some biker boots, and a beanie. She has Selena in her stroller as she walks through Charming with Selma.

They stop by a local diner for breakfast and the two talk some more. This time, they talk about Happy.

Hollis walks around with Selena and her two dogs when Selma leaves. Jinx and Axel were ready for a walk. They keep stopping so people can pet them and to go try catching close by birds but don't chase because their leashes are on the stroller and they know that.

Holly walks to Teller-Morrow because Gemma asked her to watch over the office today. Holly smiles at the crow eaters when she, Jinx, and Axel show up. The dogs get on the couch to nap once they're unleaded and Hollis puts Selena in her seat before folding up her stroller.

"Hey, doll," Tig greets as he comes in. "Ooh! Baby." He walks over and picks up Selena, who kicks her feet the entire way, excited. "Ooh, look who's excited for Tiggy-time!" He cheers and Selena squeals. "Yeah! I'm excited, too!"

Jinx and Axel bark. Tig sighs and he pets on them, too. Selena laughs when the dogs lick her and Hollis watches them.

"Gem asked me to man the office today," Hollis says. "I still can't believe I'm a prospect."

"Yeah, well, it, doll," Tig replies. "I'm taking your kid."

Hollis watches as Tig walks out with Selena and Hollis snickers. She takes a call when the phone rings.

"Teller-Morrow, this is Holly Lowman speaking..."

Hollis gets her baby back when Tig has to go deal with club stuff. When it's lunch time, Hollis puts Selena in her stroller and brings her to the diner.

"Hey, is there a private booth so I can breastfeed my daughter?" Holly asks the manager.

"Yes, ma'am," he replies.

Holly dropped her dogs off at home before walking here once the dogs had food and water. She orders a cheeseburger and fries for herself. She breastfeeds Selena while she feeds herself. When she's done eating, Hollis goes back to TM.

"Hey, babe, hey, Sel," Happy greets as he kisses his wife and he smiles at his daughter. "I got church. But had to kiss you first. See you after."

"See you after."

Happy heads inside and then Tig comes in to kiss her, too. Jax watches and he looks at Happy, who shrugs and heads inside with a smile. Jax shrugs as he and Tig head inside, too. ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

Hollis sees the guys talking to Elliot Oswald outside in the parking lot. She shrugs and she brings Selena out to the play area. She sits on a swing and moves to make Lena happy. She loves movements. They help her nap.

"How she doin'?" Clay asks as he stands outside the caged play area.

"Great," Hollis replies and she looks at him. "She's doing great, even if she's being raised in the middle of this crap."

"Yeah," Clay says. "I'm sorry 'bout the Charming she's being raised in."

"Maybe it'll be okay one day," Hollis says.

Clay smiles at her before walking away.

"Hey, what's wrong, Hap?" Hollis asks her husband.

"Kozik's dead," Happy replies. "Land mines. He blew up."

Hollis winces. "Out of all types of deaths... Kozie blowing up?"

"Yeah." Happy sits down. "How was Selma?"

"Good, sad she missed you," Hollis replies. "She had a blast with Selena. Said your mom would have loved to be around her more."

"She would've," Hap replies.

Hollis brings Selena home and Hap goes with her for a while because he wants to sit in Selena's room with her for a while. He's been away too much and for too long. He stares at her until someone rings the doorbell. Hollis answers it and finds Tig without his Sargent patch. She drags him inside.


Happy walks downstairs and sees the patch gone. "What the hell happened?"

"Clay beat the shit out of Gemma," Tig says. "I can't be his right hand if he does that shot. That silicon doll freaked me out and everyone over looks that... somewhat. But I won't look over Clay beating her."

"Silicon doll?" Holly chuckles.

"Turned me on, too," Tig says as he sits with his other halves.

"Of course it did," Happy rasps.

Jinx and Axel suddenly come running over and Tig lets out a happy laugh as he loves on the dogs once he's on the floor. Happy and Hollis share a smiling look before looking at Tig, Axel, and Jinx.

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