Chapter Twenty-Six

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"What's the job?" Hollis asks Laroy as they sit in the Sons clubhouse (Clay gave Laroy permission to).

"Some assholes raped Bee," Laroy says and Hollis sits up. "They're a gang but it won't be as bad as the Russians, these guys don't have the same software."

Hollis calls Chana.

"Hey, mami," Chana greets.

"Hey, Chana, can I bring Selena by there while I do something with my guys?" Hollis asks.

"Yes, of course you can," Chana replies. "Luisa will love to see her. Bring her over whenever."

"Thanks a lot, Chana, you're a real one," Hollis replies and hangs up. "Come here, sweet girl." She picks summer up. "I'll meet you at the house?"

"Yea," he replies. He kiss both her and Selena's heads before leaving.

Hollis sends Happy a text about what she's about to do and she leaves to drop Selena off with Chana and she meets up with the Niners, her gang.

"Where's Holly?" Tig asks Happy in the room with the prospects.

"Niner shit, someone raped one of their girls," Happy replies. "Selena's with Alvarez's old lady. She's safe."

"Good," Tig replies and a prospect, Chance Powel - who Hollis spoke for because she knows him - fake screams as Happy slams the sledge hammer on the table. He believes Hollis when she says Chance loyal.

"This is a lower level gang, so Hollis will be better off," Hap says and slams the hammer down and Chance screams, Tig snickers.

"Does she know?"

Happy sighs. "Who do you think came up with the idea?" He asks and Tig scoffs.

"Of course she did, she's freaky as hell."

"She hangs with you and Emick too much," Happy says and Tig laughs.

"I know," Tig answers.

"I'm confused," Chance whispers.

"Don't worry about it," Tig says and he leaves.

Phil watches them and he puts two and two together.

"I gotta go," Tig says after he gets a text from Gemma. "My daughter's at TM."

"Which one?" Happy asks.

"The crazy one." He smirks when Hap raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know." He goes out and tells Clay.

Hollis goes back to TM after the job is done and picking up Selena and she sees Ima coming from the dorms.

"What are you doing here?" Tara snaps at the blonde.

"I was a guest," Ima replies. She slept after the Son who invited her left. She didn't leave like he said.

"Whose?" Tara asks.

Hollis knows it's not Happy. The only guest she expects anymore is a crow eater or Tig. That and Hap came home last night.

"Is that really any of your business?" Ima asks.

"You should make it our business," Gemma says coldly as she strides over.

"I was invited," Ima says as Piney watches while he lets Selena hold his finger from the baby sling she's in on Hollis.

Tara walks over next. "Invitation's over," she says.

"Now would be a good time to get your shit and get out," Gemma adds. She glances at Tara and Ima before stepping in front of the mother of her youngest grandson. "Bitch, she will rip your little tits off."

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