Chapter Sixty-One

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Because Tara is dead and Jax is locked up, Abel and Thomas have been living with Hollis, Happy, and Tig. Abel has h8s own room, which excites him, and Thomas has a crib in Selena's room, they share a nursery. Abel loves living with his aunt Holly, temporary or not. He gets to have fun all day and Thomas is happy around Selena. It's been nine days since Tara died and Jax went to jail.

A days after Jax was arrested, Hollis had her baby boy three weeks early. Hollis gave birth to Harry Piermont Trager Lowman.

Harry has Holly and Tig's dark hair, Happy's Hispanic tan skin, and Tig's blue eyes

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Harry has Holly and Tig's dark hair, Happy's Hispanic tan skin, and Tig's blue eyes. But every newborn has blue eyes. Selena did but Selena's turned to brown eventually.

Hollis goes into Harry's nursery...

 and she picks him up when he starts to cry

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... and she picks him up when he starts to cry. Hollis pops a boob out and Harry latches on while Fawn gets boys and Selena ready for the day. Fawn also makes breakfast for Abel with other Sons and crow eaters and Gemma are are at the house. Gemma makes sure Thomas gets fed while Fawn tends to Selena.

Hollis finishes feeding Harry and she burps him before carrying him downstairs. Gemma smiles at her and she looks at the little baby in her arms. These people like coming by to check on the Teller kids and Hollis doesn't mind. She knows how important these boys are. They're SAMCRO royalty.

"I've got them all, guys, and I have Fawn here until she goes to work at the bakery," Holly says. "Really."

"Are you are?" Brooke asks.

Hollis smiles at them. "I'm fine! Go. I can take care of my kids and Jax's. I've always wanted a houseful of kids. Ask Tig and Happy."

Everyone clears out. Gemma's going to visit Jax in jail. Holly makes sure Abel eats, the same with Selena and Thomas.

"Are you sure you're okay alone with four kids?" Fawn asks.

"I'm fine, Fawnie," Hollis replies. "Hap and Tig said they'd stop by and check in occasionally but I'm fine. Promise."

Fawn nods. She smiles at her baby brother. She ruffles Abel's hair and she kisses Selena and Thomas on their heads before clearing out to go to her at Luna's Bakery in town. Hollis watches as Abel goes to draw. She smiles and she lays Harry in his bassinet.

Hollis puts the Selena and Thomas into the playpen together and she huffs. She goes to the kitchen and begins to pump her breast milk for Thomas, Selena, and for Harry for when Fawn babysits for when Holly is finally able to leave the house after birth. She freezes a little over a dozen bags and she goes to the living room to turn on cartoons. She feeds Harry because he gets hungry more frequently than the others.

Holly makes sure Harry burps and lays him in the bassinet again.

The next morning is a long one because Holly had to do everything alone because Fawn went out with Alessandro last night and stayed the night. She got Selena and Thomas up, fed, changed, and in the playpen. She got Harry changed, fed and burped. She got Abel up and got breakfast made.

After two hours, Holly is feeding Harry again. She looks at the boys and she smiles at then. Abel kiss that Tara is heaven but he doesn't fully understand the concept of death yet, not like adults. Thomas is too young to understand his mom is dead.

Holly begs Harry to nap and she she collapses onto the couch, wanting to relax. Abel walks over to Harry and looks at him.

"I want help with him, aunt Holly," Abel says. "I want protect him like I protect Tommy."

"You're a protector, aren't you, Abe?" Holly asks.

"Yes!" Abel replies. "I protect Selena, too, aunt Holly, and you."

Holly smirks. "Kiddo, it's my job to protect all of you until your daddy gets back from vacation."

"Okay," Abel replies. "Can I color in untie Tig's dirty books?"

"Watch them?"


Abel stares at Harry until Fawn enters sheepishly.

"Where's Holly, Abel?" Fawn asks.

"Getting uncle Tig's dirty magazine so I can color," Abel replies right as Hollis comes downstairs.

"Color the dirty parts and make uncle Tig mad," Holly says.

"Okay!" Abel cheers.

"I'm so sorry," Fawn says.

"It's okay." Hollis gives her a hug.

"I'll change his diaper," Fawn says when Harry poops and then begins to cry. She picks the baby up and carries him up to the nursery.

Holly feeds Thomas and Selena pumped milk and gives them mashed potatoes to eat. Fawn sees how tired Hollis is when she comes down.

"Go get some sleep, moms," Fawn says. "I can watch the kids. I'll call dad or Gemma if I need help."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, go sleep," Fawn says.

Hollis nods and she gives affection to each child and Fawn before going upstairs to sleep.

"Hey, where's mama bear?" Tig asks as he enters the house and finds his daughter feeding Harry.

"Sleeping," Fawn replies. "I stayed out all night and all morning. I'm taking the day and looking after the kids. I'll call Gemma if I need help or you."

"Good deal," Tig replies. "I came by to check in. Call me if you need me."

Tig kisses Fawn's head and he leaves. Fawn smiles at all of the kids and she thinks about her night with Alessandro, and blushes.

Hollis sends Fawn to the party at the Red Woody. She wants to wait until Harry is at least a month or two old before she starts going out without him and having fun. Holly feeds her kids since Fawn dropped the boys off with Wendy and went to the party. Hollis has Selena fed and Harry fed. She puts Lena in her crib and brings Harry to the bassinet in the master bedroom and she gets some rest until Harry's next feeding.

She sees Tig come in a couple hours later.

"Didn't want a crow eater?" Holly asks; Happy's getting blown or fucked by one.

"I want you, blood and all."

Holly snorts and Tig smirks.

"You're serious," Holly says.


Tig walks off as Hollis lays Harry down. Tig returns with a black towel that be intends to throw away when he's done. He puts Holly's ass on it and removes her padded, diaper-line underwear and he goes down on her without caring about blood. He's a freaky asshole and everyone knows knows it.

Holly grabs her swollen, milky tits and moans as Tig eats her out - blood and all.

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