In Which our Protagonist Begins her Adventure

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THE SECOND Avelina Rosier woke up on the morning of September 1st 1971, she could've squeeked with excitement.

For today wasn't just an ordinary September 1st, this was the September 1st the Rosier twins were going to start their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

And let's just say, Avelina had been counting down for a long time.

She leapt out of bed, throwing the grey bed spread off her legs. She never understood why her father never let them have anything color. Her options were always Black, Grey, or dark grey.

Avelina usually picked grey, it was the least depressing out of all the options. Even Mr Honey's bed was grey, who she ran over to, picking the rabbit up in her arms as she swung him around the room.

"Todays the day Mr Honey!" she sung to him, leaping up and down like a little bunny herself. "We're going to HOGWARTS!"

Her door swung open, Avelina turning quickly to see Evan, dressed in his uniform already with an annoyed expression on his face. His chestnut brown hair was gelled down as their father preferred, even though Avelina always told him it made him look like a 30 year old man.

"Hey fart face, Father says to be downstairs in ten minutes," the boy deadpanned.

He took a few steps into her room, looking around with his hands on his hips. He then proceeded to walk over to her little vanity desk, knocking a bottle of perfume over before walking out of the room without saying another word.

Though Avelina currently had more important matters to worry about, such as the fact she had ten minutes, to pull herself together before she was supposed to be downstairs. Literally screaming to herself, the next ten minutes proceeded of Avelina running around like a maniac as she got dressed one item at a time.

Her trunk was already packed, so once she was presentable in her Hogwarts uniform and mary jane shoes, her wild curls tied back in a black head band, she made her way down the stairs.

Her Father and Evan were already sitting at the table, breakfast prepared by the many house elves on the table. Evan sat with a sick look on his face, staring at the couple pieces of toast he had on his own plate. Calvus had the daily prophet held up infront of his face, a cup of black coffee sitting infront of him.

Avelina took her usual seat, slipping in with out a word. Reaching out for the plate of toast, only for her fathers large hand to reach out, holding her wrist back.

"Remember what we talked about," he hissed quietly under his breath, and Avelina retreated her hands.

A couple weeks ago Calvus had sat her down to discuss her eating habits. Which was a fancy way of him calling her overweight. He went on to explain to her she would simply never be able to get a husband if she carried on the way she did, which really did confused Avelina. Let's be clear, not that it matters, but Avelina was in no way close to being overweight.

Sadly, Avelina tucked her hands under her butt, as she watched her brother nibble on the corners of his toast. Evan gave a side eye to Calvus, who was back to focusing on his paper, before sneaking one of the pieces of toast into the napkin on his lap with a wink.

After breakfast it was time to say their final goodbyes to Rosier mansion, as trunks in tow they made their way to the platform. Avelina had Mr Honey tucked under her arm, no matter how much Calvus was beginning to regret letting her keep that creature.

Platform 9 3/4 was everything Avelina had been dreaming about and more.

Dozens upon dozens of other witches and wizards, swarming around in a chaotic mess of happiness and laughter. She had never seen so many different types of people, or clothes for that matter.

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