excited whispers

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All morning and all afternoon, whispers and excited mutters seemed to float through the halls of Hogwarts. Five separate times, Aveline had to stop her lessons to remind her students they could talk after class.

She couldn't really blame them.

A certain yule ball had just been announced and the excited was coming off the students like waves. Whispering and mutters of groups of students huddled together as they discussed dress and date options. It an exciting concept for young people and Aveline couldn't help but to smile when she saw the bubbling excitement.

"Hiya Miss."

She looked up from the book she was reading to see Fred and George standing at the door of her office.

Those two boys had a way of making themselves at home in every situation. She watched in amusement as they marched into her office.

Fred flopping down on her small sofa situated against the wall as if it was his home and not his school. George popping a couple of the hard candies Aveline had in a bowl in his pocket.

"Please do come in," Aveline responded sarcastically.

She wasn't sure what they were here for, but a visit from Fred and George was always interesting. Whether it was badgering her or Remus for an idea or help with a prank or pranking product, or asking awfully invasive questions about their personal lives— Fred and George always left Aveline with a smile.

"Have questions from the homework?" she asked, knowing very well they probably weren't even aware the homework existed.

Fred scoffed, "We want to know if you're actually dating Lupin or if you want to go out with our brother."

"Yes," George sighed, flopping down on the couch next to Fred. "He keeps writing us asking about you. It's quite boring actually."

"Poor lad doesn't have much of a romantic life, does he George?"

"He really doesn't," George agreed, already unwrapping one of the dozen candies he had taken from Aveline's desk. "Pity."

"A real pity," Fred continued with a dramatic nod of his head, "though Elowen you seem to be sort of weird. You'd truly make a good match with that freak show brother of ours— no offence."

She shrugged, "No offence taken."

"So you'll go out with him?" George prompted, a happy look on her eyes.

Aveline truly wasn't sure how to answer. She quite liked Fred and George, but she did not want to discuss her personal life with any of her students.

She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head a the boys and their antics.

"Charlie is lovely," she began, sending them a nice smile, "though I am quite loyal to Professor Lupin."

The boys exchanged a look she couldn't quite read.

It was always hard to tell what they were thinking. They had their own language in which they could communicate all sorts of thoughts with just a single look into eachother eyes.

It reminded her very much of two friends she once had.

"So are you Lupin's girlfriend then?" Fred asked,
giving her an inquisitive look.

"For the record," George added, nudging his brother in the arm, "we are all for you dating Lupin. He is one sad lonely man."

"Who's a sad lonely man?"

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