August seemed to slip away like a bottle of cheap wine. Effortlessly in a haze of sunshine and salt air. There was a feeling in the air amongst the marauders and friends. Like deep down somehow they knew that these last weeks of summer were it.
This was the last time they would be able to run around carelessly and free by the edge of the lake. The last time they worry about trivial childrens issues. Like their upcoming classes and who would be in them.
This was it.
There last summer of being free stupid teenagers. Who could get drunk on cheap beer, and laugh under the sun until there cheeks hurt from smiling. There seemed to be some sort of unspoken agreements that they were to make these last weeks the most possible fun.
The reckless type of fun that only teenagers in school could had. The type of fun that had you running down streets at midnight, yelling into the stars like you were on the only people in the world. The type of fun that made you feel invincible. Had you talking of dreams that would never come true under the stars. Running till your lungs burnt with laughter and crisp summer air.
It was one of these summer nights— August 27th if we're being specific. The marauders and the group of Gryffindor girls laying under the stars on the little bit of beach by James's house. Cigarette smoke billowing around some of them, open beer bottles plopped on the ground around them.
Aveline lay with her head in Remus's lap. The boy absentmindedly running a hand through her hair as he smoked a cigarette. His back leaning against a tree as he did so.
"I'd always liked the idea of going to America."
Marlene was speaking, the group discussing their wildest dreams for the future. The type of dreams that maybe were impossible, and maybe would never happen.
But in the dead of the night surronded by nothing but the open sky, it almost made you feel godly. The feeling of the chill in the air indescribably of any scientific term.
As if the whisper of the wind wasn't just a mere scientific phenoma, but the power of something else. A force of agency and life that tickled your soul as you stared at the sky.
"America? Why?" Pete asked for the group.
"I think in America you can do anything. Have you ever heard of the muggle thing called Hollywood? I'd love to be a star," she awed, the girl starting up at the stars as if she pleading with them. "Imagine me an american actress, can't you guys picture it?"
There was a collective nod and rumble of agreement. If anyone had star quality it was Marlene with her dazzling looks and killer personality.
"I think when the wars over I'm going to explore Europe with my brother. Italy, France, Greece, Rome— all the wonderful places," Mary sighed in a dreamy voice. "It'll be brilliant. I want to really see the world."
"I've always wanted to go to Rome," Remus chimed in.
"I'm going to travel the world as well Mary," Sirius added. "Once the war is over I'm dedicating my 20's to seeing as much as I can. All those cool muggle places you always see in the magazines."
They talked about the future as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky. Rambling off every dream in their hearts and minds. Some silly, some stupid, some rational— but nevertheless all dreams.
"One day I'm going to open a bakery," Dorcas piped in, with a soft smile. "One of those cute muggle ones with fluffy cupcakes covered in pretty icings. I'll bake all day and people will come from all over the world to taste it."

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...