As They Say- Never Meet Your Heroes

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The Holiday season seemed to drag it's feet to the finish line, though eventually the night had come— Aveline's last night in Rosier mansion before returning back to Hogwarts.

The girl sat in her window, a dark green night gown spilling around as she leaned her head against the wall behind her. She was so utterly exhausted it hurt, though sleep never seemed to come easy. Her mind in a never ending race to stress her out even more.

She tugged the night gown she had on tighter, begging it to make her even a bit warmer then she was.

Though most of all, Aveline felt a gut wrenched stomach of guilt billowing throughout her body.

For every single night, she procrastinated doing the one thing she ever looked forward to in Rosier mansion— going to visit her mother.

For some reason it made her scared this time, and she couldn't explain why. Though every time she thought about going up to the third floor of the mansion, and sneaking behind her door her body filled with anxiety. It pained her to see her mother in such a state, and she didn't know if she could handle it this time.

To talk her heart out to a woman she was currently going through hell for only to get no response.

Possibly she was scared that she'd go into that little room, and stare at her lifeless looking mother and feel nothing. That she'd only feel remorse or regret for telling her father she'd go through with the marriage. That perhaps, she'd wish her father would just do it— kill her so Aveline didn't have to worry about her anymore.

Tonight was her last night, so Aveline tugged herself out the door, her steps ever so quiet. The closer she got to her mothers room the more she wanted to turn back, but she pushed forward.

Slowly creaking the door open, the moonlight spilling in between the curtains, illuminating her mothers pale face.

No matter how many specialists Mr Rosier payed to come secretly look at his wife condition, none of them could explain why or what was causing her endless sleep.

Though mostly, none of them could explain how Mrs Rosier hadn't aged a day passed 25– the age she was when she first fell asleep.

Like the muggle Princess sleeping beauty, Eleanore Rosier lay with her hands on her stomach, softly breathing as her blonde hair spilled out around her.
She was a beautiful young woman, with rosy cheeks and a complexion of pale skin that often made people stop and stare.

She also happened to be the near identical looking twin of Aveline Rosier, the young girl currently slinking over to the side of her bed.

The more Aveline aged, the more young her mother started to look. For she no longer looked like the adult that was her mother, but someone who merely looked a few years older then her.

Youthful skin, a soft smile on her sleeping face.

"Hi mum," Aveline whispered, staring at the woman. She slowly reached out her hand, letting it touch the side of her mothers sleeping face. "I'm sorry I didn't come and visit sooner."

No response, merely the silence of nothing hanging between the two woman.

It was almost creepy watching them interact, as if Aveline was the spirit of Eleanore jumping out her body, that's how much they looked alike.

The same rosy cheeks, the same wild blonde curls, and the same face.

The only thing that would've been different was the eyes. Where as Aveline had a shocking blue, Elenore's were a deep brown. Though you would never be able to tell, because she never opened her eyes.

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