Love made Aveline sick, she decided.
Love was overbearing.
Love was sickening.
As valetines day was coming up, full of its stupid lovey dovey messages, even stupider pink cards and boxes of expensive chocolates, she was feeling the fact that she hated love more than ever.
Of course it didn't help she was constantly surronded by James and Lily, who had thrown themselves full force into the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing.
"You look so beautiful my darling," James cooed in a baby voice, pressing his face against Lily's as they say in charms class waiting for it to start.
They were sitting together, holding hands as they stared at eachother with wide loving eyes. Lily
giggled, reaching out and kissing his nose.Aveline slumped in her seat from where she was sitting behind them, pretending to gag to Peter.
"And Aveline is gonna throw up," Aveline mocked in a whisper to the boy.
It was so odd seeing them finally together, but in a lot of ways no one was suprised. It did indeed seem like they were in some sort of honey moon stage though, and you would never seen them not holding hands.
It was sickening.
She watched as Lily gave him what she called a butterfly kiss, and James giggled like a manic saying something involving the term sweet darling lovie, that Aveline tuned out for her own mental well-being.
"Are we sure he hasn't charmed Lily into acting like this?" Sirius leaned forward, whispering inbetween Aveline and Peter.
"It won't last," Remus cut in, from where he was sitting next to Sirius. "Give it one week and they'll have their first fight."
The group paused, as just that moment Lily let out a laugh so loud it could be heard from outside the room, and called James honey.
"Good thing I didn't eat breakfast," Aveline grumbled, pretending to hold her stomach in agony causing Peter to giggle.
The entire class the two played footsie's underneath the table, and every-once in awhile one of them would lean over and draw a heart in the others notebook.
If this was what having a boyfriend looked like, Aveline would gladly like to die alone.
After class over she couldn't out run the lovey dovey attitude of all of Hogwarts. She was genuinely wondering of someone had snuck a love potion on the morning pumkin juice, because everywhere she looked someone was getting asked out, or kissed, or holding eachother with stars in their eyes.
She hated it.
"Those two make me sick," she complained to her friends that evening, as she collapsed down beside Sirius on the couch in the Gryffindor common room.
James and Lily were huddled on a chair together, whispering to eachother smiley faces and giggles as they cuddled under a blanket.
"Oh come on Aveline," Mary said, staring at the couple with a soft expression, "it's sweet. They really care for eachother."
"And that's great! What's not great is having to watch them suck eachothers tongues when I'm trying to eat my morning toast! Like merlin, you'd think James has the lungs of a fish the way he never comes up for air!" she exclaimed, and got a chuckle of Remus who immediately shut up when she sent him a glare.
They two weren't exactly on speaking terms.
"You want to talk gross? I've been watching you eye fuck moony since— OWWW!"
Sirius let out a yelp as he was cut off by Aveline reaching over and pulling out a handful of his hair.
"You are gonna leave a bald spot!" Sirius complained, massaging his scalp.
"See if I care," she mocked, before walking away to no doubt go find Dorcas or Mary.
As they watched her leave Sirius shook his head with a sigh.
"Is it just me, or has she been a bit mean lately?" Sirius whispered to Remus and Peter, scared that she would overhear and kick his ass.
Peter nodded aggressively, his lip trembling. "Maybe shes menstruating."
"You can't say that!" Sirius warned him, shaking his head. "I don't know much about woman, but I do know they will kick your ass if you say that. I reckon she's just like .. I don't know hungry."
"You think she's hungry?" Remus deadpanned, asking as if it was the dumbest thing that could ever fall out of his mouth.
Sirius shrugged, not having much of a better explanation for her irrational behaviour.
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Remus continued, putting down the book he was reading to stare at Sirius.
As if on que they watched as some poor bloke approached Aveline who was in the corner chatting with Mary and Marlene.
He said something to her, no doubt asking her to hogsmead for the upcoming valetines day celebration.
It took a mere couple seconds and they watched as the boy ran away, sniffling back tears.
"God," Sirius sighed, as they all watched the boy rush up the stairs, "she's brutal."
Brutal she was indeed.
Was it the annoyingness that was valetines making her a monster?
Maybe it was stress from school?
The boys didn't know, but it seemed as if Aveline Rosier was on a rampage of terror.
"What do you think your looking at?" she snapped at Peter and Sirius, who watched her cross through the common room.
Both boys aggressively shook their heads, averting their eyes to anywhere but Aveline. Peter looked like he was two seconds away from shitting himself. It was rare that Sirius ever took an angry Aveline seriously, so to see him do so was.... scary to say the least.
They watched as she rushed out of the common room, letting the door slam on her way out.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...