cookies and conversation

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Aveline was awoken the next morning by the sun shining into Remus's bedroom so brightly for a moment she thought she was seeing heaven.

Remus's childhood room was exactly what she expected. Full of half read, half beaten books messily scattered on shelves and his desk giving the appearance  he was reading at least twenty books at once. A little twin bed on a squeaky bed frame sat in the corner, in which Aveline had been sleeping on.

Remus — the ever gentleman he was — took the floor. The boy sleeping on a pile of blankets and a worn down looking pillow. Aveline had offered him the bed multiple times, though truth be told she was fairly certain Hope Lupin would have murdered him if she found out he made Aveline sleep on the floor. 

She so wished she was the type of person who could falll back asleep easily, though once she was awake her brain was running full tilt. Knowing Remus would likely sleep till noon, she stole one of his sweatshirts and creeped down to the kitchen, wondering if she could steal a cup of coffee or tea.

A glance at the clock told her it was a quarter to six — which was early even for her.Truthfully she wasn't expecting either of the Lupins to be awake at such an hour, but there was Lyall Lupin, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in one hand and the prophet in the other.

"Aveline!" He greeted, clear shock on his face as he was used to seeing his son emerge from his room at lunch time . "Your up early, sleep alright?"

She nodded, stretching with a yawn as she did. "I'm just a bit of an early bird," she told the man. "Always have been."

He chuckled softly. "Well, let's hope that habit will rub off on Remus eventually. The lad could sleep through an earthquake," he snorted, standing up from his seat at the table . "Coffee?" He offered.

Aveline accepted, and took a seat at the table as she watched the man move to the kitchen counter to pour her a cup. When he set it down on the table infront of her, she noticed the he had chosen her a light pink mug with little yellow stars.

"I picked out one of the pretty girl mugs for you," Lyall explained, seeming rather excited over the small gesture. "Hope adores mugs. Sometimes I feel like this house is mug mania with all the mugs she collects."

The gesture of the pink mug was so small, yet so Remus Lupin it made her heart ache. It was hard not to adore the Lupin parents, for in every single one of their gestures and mannerisms all she saw was reflections of older versions of Remus Lupin.

"Hope usually sleeps in nowadays," Lyall continued, staring down at his own mug and tapping it rhythmically with his fingers. "So it's nice to have morning coffee with someone," he smiled.

As if on cue a creek from the stairs caught their attention, and their was Hope Lupin with a bright morning smile on her face descending the stairs with much more agility then she did the day before.  

"Are you feeling okay love?" Lyall immediately sprang up, abandoning his coffee to go to her aid .

"Yes actually," the woman answered, and Aveline could tell by the look on her face it was sincere. "Lyall it's the darnest thing, ever since last night I feel like I've gotten a boost of energy out of nowhere."

Lyall grinned kindly. "Must be the kids being home, has gotten your spirits up."

Hope made her way to the table, placing a gentle Kiss on Aveline's head as she did.

"Lyall you should take Remus and Aveline to that little sandwich shop you always take him too when he's home. I'd know he'd love it."

Lyall's face faltered for a moment, as he turned to his wide placing her coffee down infront of her. "I'm not sure love, it would be best if we didn't leave you alone—

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now