The End !

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A prick went down Aveline's spine, traveling from the top of her head, down to her toes, causing her to jolt from where she sitting on the couch with little Harry. It's hard to describe the indescribable— the moments in life where an almost inhuman source of intuition takes the drivers seat in your mind.

As her eyes flickered from the baby set of bright green eyes infront of her to where James and Lily were standing, laughing at eachother with love in their eyes— Aveline knew her time was near. She rose from the couch, hastily shoving baby Harry into Lily's arms before making her way to the front window.

Her body was firing with a sense of sudden adrenaline she couldn't quite understand. Her heart picking up in a careful thump, her senses fine tuned as if she was  some sort of cheetah or lion on a grand hunt.

She flicked the curtain back, her eyes scanning the darkness of the Potter sidewalk.

Vaguely, as if he was in another dimension, Aveline could hear James ask her what she was looking at.

A drop in her stomach, a panic in her chest, a blankness in her brain met her all at once as she locked her eyes on a figure in a dark cloak.

So this was it.

She didn't even bother trying to think about how this particularly individual made his way through the many charms guarding the Potter house, nor did she spend even a second pondering what she going to do next.

Years of stressful situations and auror training had prepared for this moment.

Jumping into action, Aveline rushed over to Lily grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her towards the stares.

"Aveline what are you—"

"Voldemort is here," Aveline cut the woman off, a firmness in her voice.

"What Aveline—"

"Take Harry and hide upstairs," Aveline ordered.

There wasn't a hint of joke or lightness in Aveline's voice. She talked like an army commander— in which her tone made it very clear that she wasn't to be messed with.

Lily's face was so full of different emotions— confusion, fear, panic— but the most potent of them all was heartbreak. A light draining from her usually lively green eyes, as they flickered from Aveline to James and finally, to baby Harry snuggled in her arms.

"Lily," James spoke, his voice cracking. "Go. Keep him safe."

The couple locked eyes, a million words left unsaid hanging between them, before the young witch gave her husband a nod.

This was their worst nightmare coming to fruition right infront of their eyes. Turning on her heels and clutching Harry to her chest, she ran up the stairs without a moment of hesitation in her steps.

"What's the plan?" James asked, rounding on Aveline, already reaching in his pocket for his wand.

There was fury in his eyes— determination.

And Aveline knew in that moment, James Potter was preparing to die for them.

She could've tried to talk him out of it, she could've tried to beg him to go upstairs and hide away with Lily. Though Aveline knew James Potter was as stubborn as weeds growing through a rock bed— he would persist against every odd that was against him.

Acting on instinct, she grabbed the boy by the arm, practically dragging him into the kitchen with a physical strength neither of them knew she had.

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