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December 15th was the day of Aveline's trial. 10 days before christmas— ten days before what was supposed to be her first christmas with the Potter family. There was still hope however, it just required that they somehow managed to get her pardoned of her crimes.

The trial was a big deal. People from all over the wizarding world had apparated in to see Aveline Rosier be sentenced.

When she walked in— hand cuffed and flagged by guards— cameras were going off in her face, making her feel light headed. She wasn't even sure where she was going, being guided into the heart of the ministry.

"Miss Rosier did you do it?"

"Have you been reading the prophet Miss Rosier?"

"How are you preparing for life in prison?"

Voices were yelling at her, the girl doing her best to drown them all out.

They eventually arrived in a large court room, with hundreds of seats circling all around. She gulped at the empty room, praying that it wouldn't be full.

She was directed to the centre, where a cage with large metal spikes pointing into her sat. She was directed into the cage, the girl not even being able move a muscle without the metal grazing her skin. The two guards stood beside her, wands still drawn and pointing towards her.

The doors pushed open, wizards and witches flooding in and taking seats.

Aveline was shocked by the sheer amount of people that had shown up. Of course there was the whole wizarding counsel, the minister of magic himself and the judge. As well as hundred of other random people taking seats to watch the trial.

Her eyes however were glued to the very front row to her left, where James, Lily, Remus, Peter, Sirius, Marlene and Mary sat, all dressed nicely.

Beside them were the Potter parents, Remus's parents, Proffesor Mcgonagall, Proffesor Sprout, and even Proffesor Slughorn.

The sight of all of them had her heart lurch, especially when James sent her a soft thumbs up.

It was in that moment she realized if it went wrong in the trial, and she was sent to prison for life, she would rather die.

They could barely seen her through bars, but Aveline sure as hell didn't look good. Her curly hair matted and even more wild looking, covering half of tired looking face. She looked tiny in the big room, her shoulders slumped and shaky.

The room was buzzing, people pointing and whispering as if she was some sort of caged animal. She could hear the clicks of cameras going off, the flash of lights in the corner of her eyes.

"ATTENTION ATTENTION! All RISE!" the judge stood up, banging her mallot and making everyone silent. "Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, today we are gathered on the charges of Aveline Gwendline Mary Elenor Rosier, one count of murder first degrees of Miss Elenor Rebecca Mary Rosier, and one count of attempted murder first degree of Mr Henneth Griffin Mulciber. The Defendant on the Order of Merlin and Justice, is being charged by the United Kingdom Ministry of Magic, on charges and proof of crime, deliberate intentions to harm, use of dark magic, and careless use and management of magic. Miss Rosier will be represented by Albus Wilfred Dumbledore, on charges by the ministry. Everyone may be seated, except Miss Rosier."

There was a shuffle in the room as everyone sat, Aveline face burning a bright red as she stared up at the judge. An older woman, with sleak black hair tied back in a slicked bun, bird like features gracing her face.

"Miss Rosier, do you solemnly swear you will tell the truth and only the truth during these proceedings?"

"I do, your honour."

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now