Just a girl and her rabbit against the world

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A girl with long blonde hair and robes tossed with yellow and gold, practically skipped the train hallways. A fuzzy looking ball of fluff was sitting in her arms, the rabbit Mr Honey she had named all those ago.

"Okay, eat a bucket full of onions or kiss severus on the lips?" Sirius asked, as he walked infront the girl.

Every couple seconds he'd throw his head over his shoulder and giggle at something she'd say. The two purebloods playing a very immature game of would you rather.

So far, they had established Sirius would rather stick his hair in a blender, shave off his eyebrows, rip his toenails off from the base, stab himself in the neck with a pencil, lick the toilet of the hufflepuff girls bathrooms, and eat a blended rabbit then
kiss Severus Snape on the lips.

The friendship between Sirius and Avelina was one of those weird unspoken things that from the moment the little first years were both names blood traitors, they had bonded for life. Without ever talking about it, Sirius had been dragging her around into all his mischief for the better part of six years. In fact, Aveline was sure even if she told Sirius she hated his guts and didn't want to be friends, he'd still be knocking on the Hufflepuff room demanding to hangout with her.

Truthfully she didn't mind, considering being friends with Sirius Black came with a whole lot of perks. Including always be surrounded by perhaps the most ridiculous group of Gryffindor boys she had ever met.

Though Aveline had made some of her own friends over the years, the hufflepuff being quite the popular one, it had become a known fact if you ever wanted to find her, Aveline Rosier was probably hanging out with the group known as the marauders.

Over the years they had become like some weird little family, one in which often landed Aveline in a bit of trouble. Regardless, she didn't regret anything .

Especially as they entered their usual compartment and was immediately greeted by the bear hug of James Potter— tackling both her and Sirius nearly to the ground.

"Prongs I legit just spent the entire summer with you," Sirius groaned, whipping off his cheek from where James gave him a wet kiss.

Over the summer Sirius had ran away in a haze of yelling and screaming from the house of Orion and Walburga. Aveline had found out the next morning, sitting at the breakfast table when Orion arrived by floo demanding to know if he was in the Rosier mansion. The next day she received a letter from Sirius himself, telling her she was at James and to not tell anyone about her whereabouts. It made her stomach sick just thinking about Sirius in distress, and though she was definitely happy he was safe now, she wasn't happy about the circumstances that got him there.

Regardless, as she watched James and Sirius bicker like brothers, he heart felt warm. Sirius deserved a loving family like the Potter's, it was clear he always had longed for such.

"Tink you'll never guess who was eyeing me on the platform earlier," James instantly began, and there was a collective eye roll from the group. "She wants me this year, I can feel it."

James had started calling Aveline Tink as in Tinker Bell ever since second year. It was quite endearing to hear again after the summer, a smile pulling over her face.

"She'd be a fool not to see it prongsie," she sighed, in a very sisterly fashion, sitting down her in usual seat next to Peter, giving the small boy a small hug as a greeting. 

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