Class was over rated— especially when your teacher is a psychopathic freak who for some reasons want to possess your soul and won't stop whispering creepy things in your ear.
Naturally, Aveline had been avoiding divination since the whole trying-to- posses -Aveline thing, and it didn't take much to convince the boys to skip class as well. All it took was offering to sneak into the kitchens and steal a batch of cookies and you could pretty much get James, Peter and Sirius to do anything.
The only issue is, Aveline was most definitely a prefect, and blowing off class to eat cookies in the Gryffindor common room well playing Go Fish with Peter Pettigrew, well Sirius Black and James Potter practice their "sick" wrestling moves on eachother, isn't exactly in the prefect handbook of things you should definitely do. The last time Aveline had attended divination was last year before christmas break.
The Gryffindor common room was lovely during the day, they had it all to themselves. Especially in the cold january month, it was particularly cozy to sit in the comfiest chairs by the fire that were usually taken.
"Do you have any 8's?" Peter asked.
"No," Aveline lied, she most definitely did have an 8.
Her guilty pleasure was playing cards with Peter and cheating every single time. Sometimes she even used magic to change the numbers on her cards without him noticing.
"Darn! How are you so good at this game? You win every time!" Peter exclaimed, reaching into the pile to fish.
She simply shrugged, running her finger over the 8 she had in her hand and changing it to a 7.
"Oh my gosh look! Another pair!" She exclaimed, setting the now two sevens out infront of her.
Aveline had a particular knack for doing non verbal and wandless magic, though she never often showed it. As a Hufflepuff most people just expected her to be good at hands on stuff, like Herbology or care of magical creatures.
Though she did good well, Aveline's true talents always lied in the subjects people didn't initially expect. She was most definitely the top of her year in charms, and also most definitely up there for defence against the dark arts. Even Potions she held a natural talent for, and all this she kept to herself. Pretending she found the subjects hard, for every excellent mark she got without trying, only made it more clear she was indeed a Rosier.
It got to the point where in fourth year she actually tried to fail charms so her father would stop praising her. She didn't study, and actively choice not to pay attention in every single class, yet somehow on the final she pulled out a 100, because she was to embarrassed to pretend to be horrible at wand work during the demonstrative part of the exam.
"You're so cheating!" Peter huffed, crossing his arms like an upset toddler.
"Am not Pete, how could I possible cheat at Go Fish?" she asked back, raising an eyebrow with a smile.
She always thought about Peter as her little brother. He was adorable, and so incredibly fun to annoy. Peter picked up the pillow next to him, waking it across her face with a laugh.
Gasping, Aveline picked one up herself, glaring at Peter through narrowed eyes.
"Oh it's so on Pettigrew."
Ten minutes later the four of them were standing on various surfaces, chuckling pillows at eachother with their wands— the wizards version of a pillow fight. Aveline was standing on a table, James was standing on the couch, Sirius on the coffee table and Peter hunched on an arm chair.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...