As fast as their feet could carry them, the four marauders sprinted to the whomping willow just as they had done time and time before. Though this time it was urgent, the sun going down as they hustled towards it with everything they had in them.
"POTTER!" a voice called, and they froze to see Lily Evans and her group of friends running towards them. Lily seemed out of breath, when she reached them. Her red eyes flickering across there faces. "Where's Aveline? A first year ravenclaw told Mary she thinks she saw Aveline unconscious earlier today."
Remus heart dropped, the blood pounding through his veins the only thing he could hear.
"Somethings wrong isn't it?" Marlene asked when none of them responded. "Where is she?"
"Look Mckinon, we don't have time," Sirius cut in. "We need to go."
"Well were coming with you. Don't argue—" Lily added as she saw James's mouth open.
He bit his lips, so badly wanted to protest. Though the truth of it they didn't have time. So brushing it off they kept walking, the group of girls trailing behind.
"Don't ask any questions," James warned them as they approached the whomping willow.
Lily was about to open her mouth to ask what he was on about, when Peter suddenly began shrinking infront of their eyes. In his place now stood a tiny rat, who darted forward and touched a branch on the whomping willow, causing the whole thing to freeze.
"Wha—" Lily began, but dropped it as she saw the look James and Sirius were giving her.
Lily was started to realize the marauders were much more then just a group of pranksters. They were brilliant, in their own fucked up sort of way, but brilliant nonetheless.
James motioned them all forward and they followed the boys into a strange looking tunnel. Full of dirt and tree roots sticking out of the roof.
"I'm not even going to bother to ask how you know this exists," Marlene mummbled, holding her wand out infront of her.
It was then, that a bone chilling scream echoed through the hallway.
"Aveline," Remus whispered, and at once they all started sprinting.
They burst through the crooked door, slamming it open and nearly making it fly off the hinges.
"...Oh father sun I plead to you to help me gain,
the power to take the blood running through your child veins."Everyone was standing around a fallen body, and it didn't take a genius to figure out it was Aveline. A a golden blade, raised over a woman's head, waiting to come down onto Aveline's chest.
James was the first react, throwing a stun and sending one of the people standing around the circle flying into a wall. The others jumped, immediately throwing similar spells out. It had shocked the group indeed, and soon the circle was broken and spells were flying back at them.
The woman with the knife had dropped it in the commotion, her own wand held in front of her as she threw spells towards the group of Gryffindors.
"Emerald?" Sirius shrieked when he realized it was her. "You psychotic bitch!" he screamed before tossing a spell out and throwing her into a wall.
Aveline was still tied to the table, her whole body flamining in pain more and more by the moment. She was barely even able to register her friends were there, as her brain kept seizing making spots dance across her eyes.
She felt someone touch the side of her face, and she pried her eyelids open to see Remus. His face determined as he moved to try and free her from the ropes.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...