Mother May I

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The warmth that only the sun could give her was running through her entire body. Warming her from her toes to her chest, as if it was permitting into each bodily cell.

She could hear the soft lull of the sea in the back of her mind.

She could stay like this forever, she briefly thought.

Let her tired body lay here till the sun decayed her bones and she was nothing but dust, let the call of the sea wash away her remains and let her be consumed by the wild pull of the oceans creatures.

Yes, she decided, if death felt like this she was sure she would quite like dying. Her consciousness was drifting, pulling her in and out the way the brain does when one is extremely tired.

Was she awake ?

Was she dreaming?

Not even God could tell— her brain a flurry of nothing but everything at the same time.

"Merlin, look who the tide washed up," a harsh shrill voice snapped, and Aveline was unfortunately pulled to consciousness.

As usual, she was very confused. Open her eyes that squinted at the bright light shining down at her with enough power to blind her.

It took her a long moment of blinking to get her eyes to adjust, and when they finally did she let out a blood curling scream.

For looming above her, the sunlight streaming against the back of her head, was most definitely her mother. Elenore Rosier with her brown eyes and the same blonde hair she shared with Aveline.

"This must be a fucking nightmare," Aveline muttered, closing her eyes again all to certain she was in a dream and would wake up back in her bed in the Hufflepuff dormitory.

"Don't you talk to your mother like that young Lady! I'm dead, the least you can do is respect me!" she shrilled.

The woman reached forward, grabbing Aveline by the arm and physically dragging her to her feet. Aveline was alarmed by how real it all felt, her brain still trying to figure out where she was.

She was on that same beach again, with its jagged beaches and white hot sand.

"Merlin," Aveline groaned, rubbing her neck from where it was sore. "You've got to be kidding me!"

She was in Helios again, no particular clue how she got there, but what she was certain was now her mother was her.

This had become Aveline's version of a personalized hell.

"You look chubby, also you need to tell your brother to stop going out with the Parkinson's girl, she would make me ugly grand babies and your brother is already appearance challenged as it is," Elenore began, as she linked arms with a very disoriented Aveline and began to drag her towards the city.

"Hey!" Aveline exclaimed, pushing the woman's arm off of her. "I'm not going anywhere with you!! You tried to kill me! And your a murderer!"

"Please," the woman sighed as if it was not that big of a deal, "you need to learn to let things go. If you haven't noticed, I'm the dead one! Poor you, poor little Aveline she almost died, well try actually being dead sweetheart! It's not all sunshines and rainbows!"

Aveline glared crossing her arms and stomping her feet into the sand.

"Aw keep pouting," Elenor mocked, reaching out and pinching Aveline in the cheek. Aveline swatted her hand away as fast as she possibly could. "Merlin you and your ratchet temper. For the record, this whole rage thing you have going on is not a good look for you. It will age you, I can already see the frown lined appearing on your forehead."

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now