Never have I ever been kidnapped ?

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Pain, white hot pain seared from her skull. Her whole body throbbing as if someone had just started her on fire twice. Aveline wasn't sure what was happening, her brain foggy and confused.

All she knew is the last thing she could remember was hitting the ground and a pair of eyes looking down at her.

Who's eyes though?

She couldn't remember that either. All she knew know was she was laying on a very uncomfortable stiff piece of wood and her whole body was in pain.

"She's awake?" the door creaked open and the voice of Emerald entered her ear.

It snapped Aveline up, the girl sitting up instantly as she remembered. It was this woman's who's eyes were lingering over her. Her vision took a minute to adjust, the pure obsceneness  of it all making her mind meld and turn.

Her eyes darting around as she realized she was in the shrieking shack.

Though not with anyone she usually would've been in there with.

Emerald was walking in from the door, carrying a bottle of something in her hand. Sitting on a raggedy couch was a woman with wild black curls covering her face. Aveline recognized her instantly— Bellatrix Lestrange formally Black. A psychopathic murderer who was making a name for herself on the dark side.

Next to her was Theodore Nott, of course. Sitting with a grin on his face as he watched Aveline withering in pain.

There was a couple people she didn't recognize. All looking grim and angry, slightly beaten up. No doubt death eaters.

And of course, in the very corner sat her own brother, Evan Rosier with his head down pretending he couldn't see her.

She tried to pull herself off the bed only to be stopped, looking down to realize her whole body was tied down.

"Well what the fuck is this?" Aveline couldn't help herself but to hiss, thrashing against the ropes.

It was Bellatrix who laughed. She had been sharpening her nails with a dagger, and lazily walked over to Aveline. Her face sulk and sunken like a skeleton, and ever so slowly she touched the tip of Aveline's nose with the blade.

"What a beautiful bride you have Theodore," Bellatrix laughed, letting the dagger trail down the side of her skin.

"What do you want Bellatrix?"

Bellatrix pretended to jump in mock, before letting out another cackle. "She's feisty for a Hufflepuff, isn't she?"

It was then another searing pain flew through her body, and it took everything in her to bite down her screams as she thrashed against the ropes. Her body unable to maintain its cool under the feeling.

Her eyes flickered up, and she realized something was attached to her. A bright yellow glowing tube that in horror she realized was attached to her chest. It was taking something from her, as it pumped and pumped flowing into a floating container that was swirling with flowing liquid.

"Interesting isn't it?" Bellatrix whispered when she noticed Aveline was looking. "Watch carefully, that's your magic disappearing."

She let out another laugh as if it was the funniest thing in the entire world, before slumping back down on the couch. Emerald, who had been standing in the doorway, made her way over to Aveline. Placing some weird sort of rock on her chest and rubbing her face with the weird bottle of liquid in her hand.

"Emerald what the fuck is going on?" Aveline shrieked, her panic building.

She watched as the woman's face broke out into an awe full grin.

"We will be hero's," she whispered. "Taking the power of the sun from your veins to turn it into an elixir for our Lord to drink. He will powerful, he will achieve the impossible."

In hindsight, Aveline should've seen that this wack fucking woman was working for the Dark Lord. Her eyes whirled as she watched Emerald continue to place some weird substances on her body. All slimy and trailing down Aveline's skin in hot goops.

She looked around, trying to think of a way to get out of here but she was helpless. Nearly six against one wasn't good odds when your tied down to a table.

Though right now Aveline needed more then to be saved, she very well needed to figure out what the fuck was happening and why. One of the most important lessons Aveline's father ever taught her was that if you keep someone talking long enough they'd reveal their secrets.

And Secrets were like currency, once you had enough you could buy yourself out of anything.

"Lord Voldemort what could be possible want with my boring blood?" Aveline asked, diving into the question with full force.

She watched as Emerald shook her head as if the thought was amusing as she continued to busy herself. Everyone else was chatting, watching Aveline nearly dying infront of them without a worry.

"You silly dumb girl," Emerald giggled. "Your blood is that of ichor and sun. Powerful enough to awake immortality, cure diseases, explode the sun."

A voice replayed in her head if Moody telling her her mother had exploded like a bomb of powerful light.

"What?" Aveline scoffed. "That can't possible be true. Your Lord will be disappointed when he finds out you've failed."

"I will not fail!" the woman hissed, tightening the ropes on Aveline's wrists. "Your blood is that of an ancient sun curse existing generations before your ignorant self. It's a pity your mothers isn't strong enough to produce what we need, or else we wouldn't have to put up with you."

"See that doesn't make any sense. Evan is my twin. I'm sure he'd willing give you his blood if it's my families you need," she stated as if it was obvious. Though the wheels were spinning her head, trying to place together pieces of the puzzle she had been missing over the past few months.

"No no no no," Emerald shook her head. "I don't need your families blood. I need the blood of a Helios woman who's had the curse running through her veins."

"EMERALD!" Bellatrix shrieked, throwing a fallen piece of wood at the woman's head. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GET TO WORK."

Aveline fell silent, figured she was pushing her luck if she kept talking. Her whole body was heating up, feeling as if she was on some sort of stove top cooking from the inside. Sweat dripping down her forehead and she seized around, the pain becoming more and more intense.

After awhile Emerald had announced she was done, and slowly ever so slowly did every single death eater in the room stand up. They walked over to Aveline's bed, standing around in her a circle, joining hands.

Though Emerald stood in the middle, a large golden dagger in her hands, pointed right at Aveline's stomach.

And then, in perfect rehearsed unison they all began to chant.

" From the time magic and such begun,
the twirl and boil of helios spun,
through the veins of the ones,
who's power they could not outrun,

through the trickle and the shine,
oh mother earth you are mine,
show the children of the thine,
how to make our stars align

The birth did call such turmoil,
from his rays the rage did boil,
children of our earth and soil
gifted with his forces of toil

A line of woman of his solem rays,
willed to bring the end of our days,
blinded by the glorious blaze,
of the power amongst their haze

Oh father sun I plead to you to help me gain,
the power to take the blood running through your daughters veins."

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now