She could feel it when merely walking through the hallways, the way eyes never left. Rumours circling around to the point where some of them seemed borderline insane. Every day she gritted her teeth, clutching her books closer to his chest as she elbowed through the crowds who never did seem to part for her. The Slytherins would snicker when they saw her, as if they truly had won some sort of battle.
The newspapers were only coming out with more and more news about her family. Interviews of her father coming out claiming it was all lies, pictures of the ministry investigating Rosier mansion.
It was too much, so as much as Aveline knew she was supposed to be in potions, she found herself slamming the door of the astronomy tower open. To find it empty with nothing but the mornings soft chill against her skin.
She let her book bag slump against the floor, leaning against the concerned barricade as she let out a frustrated sigh.
"I thought I'd find you here Miss Rosier," a low voice hummed from the shadows.
Aveline jumped, turning around to see Proffesor Dumbledore walking towards her. His hands crossed in front of him and a gentle smile on his face.
Now, though a troublemaker, Aveline wasn't exactly used to Albus Dumbledore finding her. The only time she was in his office is when Mcgonagall was away for a weekend and the marauders flooded a couple classrooms. Not knowing what to do with them, Flitwick sent them to Dumbledore's office.
Aveline was certain they were done for, that he'd be telling the pack there bags and leave the school. Though much to all of their surprises, Dumbledore merely complemented their charms work and then offered them a taffy.
That was the one and only, interaction she had with the man. So to say she was shocked to see him standing in the astronomy tower addressing her by name was an understatement.
"Proffesor Dumbledore Sir!" she exclaimed very shocked, not knowing what she was supposed to do or say.
"Excuse my intrusion on your moments of solitude Miss Rosier," the man replied, not at all looking cross. She watched as he walked over, leaning against the fence as well, his electric blue eyes staring out over the grounds. "It's very beautiful up here isn't it?"
"Yes very beautiful," she replied, not at all knowing what was happening.
It was definitely not everyday that the headmaster of Hogwarts casually starts talking to you about how pretty the school grounds are when your skipping class. For a moment they just stood in silence, Dumbledore humming a tune she didn't recognize under his breath.
"Forgive me," the man began, slowly looking over to her, "though I have found myself wondering in these past few days, if you happen to have any idea on who might've been the one to send that letter about your father into the prophet— call it an old man's curiosity."
Though Dumbledore was anything but a mere curious old man. She could tell by eyes that were full of wonder, the way he chose his words so carefully. Trying his best to appear casual and friendly.
If Aveline hadn't been raised as a Rosier, perhaps this would've went over her head. But she had, and one the first lessons her father ever taught her was that powerful people never did anything without reason. That's how they get powerful — using every opportunity as something that could help them.
Albus Dumbledore was no doubt one of these people.
"You want to know if it was me, don't you Sir?" she jumped straight to the point.
He seemed slightly taken aback by this, his eyes narrowing a little before widening every so slightly. He had assumed Aveline Rosier would've been easy to get information out of, as a mere hufflepuff.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...