The disco lights that had been flashing with the music suddenly stopped, the great hall falling into pure pitch darkness— the music cutting out. Even the stars in the skies had stopped shining, mummbles of shock and fear washing over the crowd.
Aveline was one of the first to take out her wand, lighting it at the tip, and many people followed. Remus had snaked a hand around her waist, and she was standing next to the tall boy who showed no intentions of letting her go.
"Apologies!" Lily called from where she was now standing up on a chair. "Something is just wrong with the sound system.
But something else was wrong, Aveline noticed. For the back table where most of the Proffesor's had been sitting was empty. Mcgonagall, Dumbledore, Flitwick— none of them in sight.
People began to chat and laugh again, but Aveline couldn't shake the fact something was wrong.
"I think we should get out of—" Aveline began to say to her friends, but that's when the doors exploded open and the whole room fell dead silence, and ice cold chill running through the whole place.
For standing dressed in all black robes billowing around their ankles, were a dozen strange looking witches and wizards with silver masks covering their faces. They were standing in two perfectly straight lines as they marched their way into the hall.
That wasn't the most terrifying part though.
The most terrifying part was that floating above them were a dozen unconcious young muggle born students.
They were chanting something odd, though Aveline could barely hear from all the screaming that was now taking pace. The crows surging forward as everyone was trying to make it towards the door.
If Remus hasn't been holding her tighly she wouldn't be pulled away by the stream of people.
"Are those..." James trailed off, looking in horror.
"Death eaters," Aveline's answered in a low tone.
James had never seen them in person before, neither had Remus nor Peter.
Aveline and Sirius though, they shared a dark look— Knowing their brothers were most likely under those silver masks.
All hell had broken loose, as the death eaters began to set little fires to the white table clothes that were spread around the circular tables around the room. The muggleborns still floating above their heads.
It was like an unspoken agreement between the five marauders, and at once they lunged forward, wands drawn. Though they weren't running for the door like most people, they were running straight for the death eaters, spells already being thrown by their wands.
Aveline had never been in an actual wizarding duel before, but she imagined it was a lot like this.
Throwing spells, ducking when you didn't have time to throw up a protection charm. Spells were bouncing off every surface, and the two groups were throwing around magic like crazy.
Somewhere along the way Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, Alice Fortesque and Frank Longbottom had joined them, well most of the other students fled.
Aveline was tossing spell after spell, not even bothering to speak or give them enough time to protect themselves.
She was angry, and when Aveline Rosier was angry she went for blood.
They sort of split up, one person taking on one death eaters spread across the room in a haze of fighting. From the corner of her eye she could see James punching someone in the face, though she wasn't paying much attention.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...