Euphemia and Fleamont Potter were dead.
The virus had taken them both, mere hours apart in the comfort of their own bed. No one had expected it, the virus had taken them both like wildfire, quickly progressing till it took every part of them.
When Aveline had heard the news, she didn't believe it. Though they were a bit older, the potter parents had always been the picture of health. They ate good, they exercised. Even magic, couldn't save them from the pull of dragon pox.
James, was obviously inconsolable— only finding comfort in the fact that he knew at least in death they were together.
His grief however, had to be cut short, for now James had other things to worry about— he had a baby on the way.
The news of Lily's pregnancy was a much needed distraction for James Potter, and gave him something to focus on besides all the guilt and pain in his heart.
The news— though greatly welcomed by James— came with a new type of pain, as he realized his parents would never meet their grandbaby.
Nonetheless, James threw himself into fatherhood at an eager pace. Buying books on how to be a good father, and spending every moment of his free time decorating his unborn child's nursery.
His parents barely even got a funeral, just a small burial with James, his wife and a few chosen friends.
Amongst all the pain though, James always had Lily. No matter how dark his days were, she always was there when he came home, like a flower in a field of dandelions, keeping his spirits up in times of despair.
He had to keep pushing for her, and their unborn child that grew in her in her stomach day by day.
He still couldn't believe they were gone, and sometimes got the urge to write them a letter or go visit them for dinner before he realized they weren't there anymore.
The young man was avoiding Potter Mansion, despite being left it in the will. He couldn't bare the idea of going to his home, and it being nothing but empty.
No smells of his moms cooking as he entered through the front door, no hug from his Dad, no listening to their bickering as they set the table— no nothing. They were only memories, nothing but memories that were so potently beautiful in his mind.
"Hey Prongs."
He was busy building a dresser in the baby's nursery. He was doing it the muggle way. Something about picking up his wand and putting it together felt wrong without his Dad to help him with the charms work.
He turned around to see Aveline and Sirius creeping into the room— hesitantly.
The Potter parents death were hard on the two purebloods two, loosing their only parental figures they ever had.
"Oh hey guys," James greeted briefly, before going right back to trying build the dresser.
Truthfully he was horrible at using muggle tools, and he found himself wanting to smash the dresser into pieces with the stupid silver hammer.
Aveline could see through James so clearly. He was trying to put on a strong front, though one look at his face and she could easily tell he was on the verge of tears.
"Need help mate?" Sirius asked, stepping into see the flurry of screws and bolts on the floor infront of James.
"It's alright— DAMMIT!" James exclaimed as the two boards he was trying to screw together slipped and fell apart. "This stupid thing," he hissed.
He stood up harshly, kicking the wood dresser and sending the pieces flying across the room.
An angry outburst like this was so unlike James in everyway, and both of his friends watched with furrow brows as he paced, his hands above his head.
"I can't do this," he exclaimed, trying to force himself to breathe slowly.
"Hey it's alright," Sirius began, getting on the floor and pickling up the instructions to the dresser. "Look James we just need to put these pieces together I can help you—"
"No," James cut him off harshly, squeezing his eyes shut. "I can't do this Sirius," he motioned around the nursery with his hands. "I can't do this."
Leaning against the wall, James sunk down till he was sitting on the floor, his head hanging between his hands.
"I don't know how to be a Dad. I don't know how to take care of a baby. I just wish—" James gulped cutting himself off. "I just wish my parents were here and I could ask them what to do. I can't do this. I don't know how."
Although James himself was about to be a Dad, he was young. Twenty years old at the age where you still need guidance and a warm home to come backk to everyonce in awhile.
Before Aveline and Sirius could register what James was saying, the boy began to sob.
Both friends sunk down next to James, Aveline reaching out and placing a hand on his knee.
"James," Aveline began softly, her voice breaking, "trust me I have never been more certain about anything when I say I know you can do this."
"You might not realize it but Fleamont and Euphemia have been preparing you for this your entire life mate," Sirius continued.
"Besides James," Aveline started, "You have so many people who are going to be here for you, Lily and the baby when he or she comes. You have us, and Lily's parents, and Remus and Peter and Marlene and Mary and Alice and Frank and Mcgonagall and Andromeda and Ted and — James you have an army of people who will be here for you. Always."
Slowly James raised his head, tear stained cheeks and sniffling nose looking at them.
"You'll help me?" James asked, his face looking scared.
"Buddy we will always be here to help," Sirius answered, patting him on the shoulder. "You couldn't get rid of me if you tried. Someone has to teach your unborn baby how to be cool. He currently stands no chance with you and Lily as parents."
This got a laugh out of James, who smiled for the first time in weeks.
"He or she," Aveline corrected, only for Sirius to shake his head and scoff.
"Trust me, baby Potter is a boy," Sirius answered. "I can tell. He's going to be my new best friend."
"Merlin help me if that's the case," James grumbled, and the usual James Potter sparkle of mischief gleaned behind his eyes.
Sirius rolled his eyes, standing up and moving over towards the mess of a dresser.
"So, are we putting this thing together or what?"

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...