can death be fun?

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The Night of October 31st-: After Death

Staring at yourself is an odd experience, so believe Aveline' when says staring at your body from above, is even more odd. At first she was terrified, the look of her fallen limbs and pale face.

Then, when the initial panic set in, she was rather confused.

Confused as she watched James Potter burst through the kitchen door, a horrified look on his face as he stared at her dead body.

"No no no no no," she heard him say, and she tried to reach out, though her hands passed right through him, as if she wasn't there at all.

"James, it's okay. I'm okay!" she tried to soothe him, dropping down next to him as he hugged her dead body to his chest.

If was perhaps one of the most horrifying sights she had ever seen, and all she wanted to do was to make his pain go away. She tried everything, and as Lily came to join him she was even more shocked to see she couldn't reach Lily either.

Was Aveline really dead?

She didn't feel dead. She felt exhausted, as if her soul had put in too much effort and needed a break.

"Weird isn't it?" a female voice said, and Aveline span around.

Hovering a couple inches from Aveline's body was Elenor Rosier. Her blonde curls spilling around are as she smirked at Aveline with a cheshire cat grin. Aveline jumped to her feet, whipping away the tears spilling from her eyes as instant anger filled her.

"Merlin I really am dead," Aveline muttered, looking down at her hands.

Not only was she dead, she must certainly be in hell.

Her mother had been dead for years now, if she was seeing her, Aveline would have to accept she had crossed over to the other side.

This wasn't at all what she pictured being dead to be like though. She still felt very human, the back of her head even hurts from where she smacked it falling into the ground.

"You've never been very bright have you?" the woman tutted, looking down at Aveline's dead body. "And apparently you don't have good judgment either, sacrificing your soul for a blood traitor and his mudblood wife."

"Don't talk about them like that," Aveline snapped, clutching her fists together. "Must you be difficult even in the after life Mother?

The woman let out a loud scoff, casually floating about the room, looking at all the family photos the Potters hand on their mantle with disapproval. The Potters were still clutching Aveline's dead body, tears streaming down their faces.

"Mother?" She scoffed, shaking her head. "Please do not tell me you think I am your mother. God help me, they told me you were at least somewhat clever. " \

Upon further observation, Aveline realized, this woman really did not seem like her mother. Certainly she had the wild blonde curls, and a heart shaped face framing two wide eyes, but thats where the similarties ended.

This woman looked to be around Aveline's age, wearing an oversized black leather jacket and a pair of torn black jeans that Eleanor would not be caught dead in. Coal black eyeliner smudged her eyes, and Aveline watched in disbelief as the woman nonchantly pulled a cigarette out of her pocket.

"And," the woman contunied, turning to look at Aveline with a bored expression, "you aren't dead by the way."

"What?" Aveline asked. "Of course I am, that's my body."

The woman rolled her eyes, sighing and running a hand through her hair.

"No," she said in an annoyed tone. "Your not. You merely have done the final sacrifice and your soul is taking time to recover. Though your body is still very much alive."

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