The morning of September 1st 1977 Aveline Rosier took the opportunity to deliver a minor fuck you to her father sitting in jail. Every September 1st for the last six years, he would force her to dress in painfully annoying formal clothes. Tights, black skirts, flats— the whole thing. Making sure her hair and makeup was done by a house elf, so they made a good impression on the rest of the families.
This September 1st was different. This was the first year she actually had freedom. So staring at her reflection with her wild curls, brown oversized muggle leather jacket, denim skirt with a pair of partform doc marten boots— she felt rather proud of herself. It was a small reminder of the fact that no matter what she was winning.
James Potter seemed to take the exact opposite approach. As he walked out of his room Aveline jaw literally dropped. Never in her life had she seen James look so put together.
All the practice had done on his hair clearly payed off. His hair styled with gel like he was some sort of movie star. His uniform black pants perfectly ironed, as he wore a blazer Aveline had never seen him wear in his life. His Gryffindor tie, wrapped around his neck to perfection with the shiny Head Boy badge on his vest.
"Where's James Potter and what have you done with him?" Sirius gasped.
He himself was decked out in his usual scruffy leather jacket and even scruffier ripped black jeans. Muggle band t shirt with hair as wild as ever falling to his shoulder.
In response James merely flared his jacket a little bit, sending them a wink.
"Merlin he's a handsome little devil isn't he Aveline?" Sirius mused out loud, leaning on the door frame next to her.
"He sure is Sirius. Our little boy, is all grown up," Aveline mocked back, causing James to roll his eyes.
"Don't worry lads, you can put a marauder in a suite but you can't take the marauder out of him," James said proudly puffing out his chest.
"I'm not a lad," Aveline tutted crossing her arms, leaning back against the wall casually.
Now that she was actually able to experience muggle fashion— besides the few clothes she had hidden away before— Aveline was taking great pleasure in updating her wardrobe and style. A series of silver rings say on her finger, all sorts of different styles. Her hair framed with fringey bangs and a layer of blacks eyeliner framing her pretty blues.
"You sure eat like one," James muttered under his breath, earning himself a full force punch in the arm from Aveline. "Ow!" he complained gripping the spot she hit. "For a little one she sure got— OW!"
"Keep talking and the next one will be your face," she mocked, the way a sister would mock a brother.
James watch as she sauntered into her room shutting the door with a soft slam, a grin springing across his face. They had always been close— him and Aveline— though living together over the summer had established a different type of dynamic between them and Sirius. For the first time in his life James felt like he actually had siblings. Sirius and Aveline becoming the brother and sister he never had.
They weren't afraid to bicker infront of the Potter parents, or walk around the house as if it was their own. James would often walk downstairs in the morning to see them sitting at the table with his parents, enjoying breakfast and laughing like maniacs.
Nothing made him happier. Even when all his hoodies were being stolen by Aveline, or all his favourite shirts were being stolen by Sirius, it always made him secretly warm inside. Or when Sirius would eat all his favourite cereal, leaving him with none.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...