The thump of mushy ground hitting her feet as she landed in the forest of Rosier Mansion was a shocking wake up call for Aveline. She took in the famillar site of the tall spindly dark green trees that lined the manor, and the deadness of the leaves beneath her and she was certain she was about to throw up.
Is this really what she signed up for being an auror and in the order?
The site of the stoned walls and large peaky towers was like a time machine, taking her back to her days of hitting the cold marble floors and curses running down her spine. She shuddered at the famillar feeling of cold making its way threw her body.
"Are you okay Rosier?" Kingsley asked nicely, a concerned expresion on his face as he craned his head down to get a better look at her face.
"Please," she gulped. "Drop the Rosier would ya?"
"Got it Aveline," He said politely with a nod. "So how do you want to do this? What is the best entrance? What about traps"
For a moment all Aveline could do was think, observing the familar gates that surronded the mansion.
Rosier Mansion was something of a puzzle. With various fake gates and traps that would leave those who were not supposed to enter bloody and bruised.
Luckily for Aveline however, though she did not like to think about the Rosier blood still pumped through her veins, which meant this enigma of a mansion would welcome her home with wide open arms.
She led Kingsley to the main gate. All the lights were on in the mansion, though that did not mean anything. Aveline was not even sure Evan was here. she wasn't sure if this was some test Moody was throwing at her but she defintely knew she did not like it.
As they approached the gate all it took was Aveline to place her hand on the cold metal, and it swung open.
She gulped, looking back at Kingsley who stood hestiantly with his wand drawn.
"Thats it?" he asked in disbelief, staring up at the mansion with its carvings and stone.
She nodded. "The Mansion was built by my great great grandfather. He built it with blood protection within every piece of stone. As long as the Rosier blood runs through your veins, you will always be able to find protection at Rosier mansion. As long as you are with me, you'll be fine."
As she spoke the words out loud part of her felt proud, a feeling that she had never felt in association with the Rosier's. She may come from a line of pyschotic dark magic practicing mass murderers, but at the very least she came from a line of very intelligent talented pyschotic dark magic practicing mass murderers.
She imagined her great great grandfather building the mansion, if he envisioned a Rosier dynasty for years and years to come beyond his death.
What was he thinking now? As the castle came crumbling down to only Evan and herself— the last two free, living, and breathing Rosiers.
Kingsley and Aveline ducked low, sneaking back to the servant doors which Aveline knew like the back of her hand. It was dark, the only light the shine of fluorescents through the window but it gave them the coverage they needed.
Part of Aveline was in disbelief she was even here, especially as she opened the crooked and door and took in the famillar smell of the damp servant coordors and kitchen smells hitting her nose.
The second the door closed behind Kingsley Aveline began to panic.
Suddenly she was 15 again and she was stuffed in a corset two sizes two small. Suddenly she was 14 and the feeling of warm blood pooling on cold marble floor was the only thing she could feel. Even though logically she knew Calvus Rosier was locked awak in Azkaban, her brain could not convince itself that he was not here. She was convinced that any moment now the man would round the corner, yelling a curse at her that made her drop to the floor and drown in pain.
She gulped, feeling the strength of her wand gripped beneath her fingers.
She was not 15. She was not 14.
She was an adult. No one could hurt her in this house anymore, she took a breathe, forcing herself to calm down.
Ever so gently, she felt something touch her back and she turned around to see Kingsley standing behind her.
"Its okay if you need a moment," he whispered. "This must be odd for you."
Aveline did not know the man very well, but she decided in that moment Kingsley Shacklebolt was a good person. She could see it in his eyes, in the way they swam with nothing but good intentions and kindness.
"Miss Aveline! It is Miss Aveline!" A squeeky voice said, and Aveline turned to see the little figure of gnobby knees and long ears walking towards her.
"Dot!" She exclaimed, dropping to her knees infront of the little creature. "Dot, how are you?"
Dot was one of the many house elves kept by the Rosier's. Aveline always adored the Rosier house elves from a very young age, and was perhaps the only person in most of their lifetimes to ever treat them kindness. The little creatue grabbed Aveline's outstretched hands.
"Miss Aveline must not be here!" Dot exclaimed, worry plastered over her face. "If the mean men see Miss Aveline —" Dot stopped, shaking her head. "Dot can not say anymore! But Miss Aveline will not be safe! Miss Aveline and her friend should leave!"
"Shh Shh Dot its okay," Aveline said softly, rubbing a hand on the little creatures arm. Kingsley was standing above them, wand out and on the look out just in case. "Can you tell me is Evan here?"
Dot nodded her head, eyes wider then usual. "And the boy you almost married, and the Malfoy, and the Goyle, and the Parkinson, and the Black and the scary one they call Lord—
"They are all here?" Aveline exclaimed, looking up to exchange a worried look with Kingsley. "All those people, are here?"
This most certainly was not part of the plan.
"and the Lestrange and the Karkaroff and the Carrow and the Greyback— "
"Okay Dott," Aveline cut her off kindly. "Why are they here? Where are they?"
The little elf bit her lip, eyes darting around in fear as if she was scared Evan would materilize out of nowhere and kick her.
"Master would not like if I said, Dot has already said too much. But most evenings they like to meet here, and they get Dot to make sure the people in the dungeon live till they want to make them scream. Then they make Dot clean up the blood—" The little elf cut herslef out with a sob so loud Aveline had to resist the urge to strangle her just to get to be quiet.
"Shh! Shh its okay!" Aveline tried to console the little creature by rubbing her back.
Dot was now sobbing uncontrollably to the point Aveline almost felt like crying along with her.
Is this really who Evan had become?
The worst parts of their parents combined in some murderous monster?
"The ones with red hair told me they are Miss Aveline's friends— "
"Red hair?" Both Kingsely and Aveline spoke in unison.
Aveline and Kingsley exchanged eye contact, both thinking the same thing: Fabian and Gideon Prewett were currently in the dungeon of Rosier mansion. And the cherry on top was the fact the Dark Lord and at least half a dozen death eaters were currently sitting up stairs no doubt coming up with their next big plan to kill everyone.
"If Mr Rosier finds out Dot did this, Dot will be killed," Dot said, rubbings her hands together in a nervous motion. "And oh, Miss Aveline I am so sorry, Mr Rosier ordered me to do something bad to anyone who intrudes in the home. Dott can not help it, even though Dott does love Miss Aveline."
"Dott what are you—
Before she could finish her sentence the little elf reached out and grabbed Aveline and Kingsleys hand. As she opened her mouth to ask Dott what she was doing, she felt the world dissapear around her as they apparated away with a pop.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...