Does being crazy run in the family?

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Aveline was exhausted— mentally and physically. She just spent the better part of two hours on a friday night, listening to Amos Diggory talk about how he could've gone pro in Quidditch. They were still doing their prefect rounds together, much to Aveline's distaste.

By the time they got back to the common room she was done. Not even bothering saying hi to her dorm mates who were sitting on the couch in cozy pajamas. Simply jumping up the stairs as fast as she could.

The room was empty, as Aveline entered. The girls eyes scanning it as she did.

She noticed that the curtains on her bed were drawn shut. Which seemed rather odd since she never closed them except to sleep. Figuring it must've been Dorcas for some unknown reason, she made her way over their, pulling them back as she usually had them.

Though as she did, Aveline let out a blood curling scream, that she didn't even fully register came out of her mouth. Her heart hammering in her chest as she jumped back at the scene in front of her.

It didn't take long for Hufflepuffs to come running up the stairs. Dorcas, their roommates and a couple of the seventh year boys, all barging into her room wands drawn.

"Ave!" Dorcas asked, rushing over to the girl. "What's the—"

Dorcas cut herself off as she turned to look at Aveline's bed, the girl letting out a gasp as she threw her hand over her mouth in shock. Face dripping loosing all its color.

Aveline didn't even hear Dorcas tell one of the boys to go get sprout, and she didn't even recall Dorcas putting an arm around her and leading her down the stairs. Far away from the dorm room.

Her mind was blank, entire body shaking like a leaf. She didn't even register someone placing a blanket over her shoulders, trying to get her to sit down on the couch.

Dumbledore, Sprout and Mcgonagall came bursting into the common room. Followed by Amos Diggory who went to fetch them.

"Miss Rosier," Dumbledore said, and he motioned for her to follow them up the stairs towards the dorms.

Dorcas placed her hand in a comforting manner on Aveline's shoulder as she walked past. The whole common room sending her empathic stares as she walked up. Following Dumbledore with Sprout and Mcgonagall behind her. All four of them hand their wands out.

Dumbledore opened the door rushing over to her bed, the only one with the curtains partly drawn. With a flick of his wand he pulled them all back, and both Mcgonagall and Sprout let out horrified gasps.

Seeing it fully made Aveline want to barf.

The dead body of Mr Honey, swinging upside down floating in the air. The little rabbit dropping with blood, the whole bottom half of him skinned like someone was getting ready to cook him. Incisions made his stomach like someone was trying to dissect him. Organs and entrails hanging out, dripping blood on the bed.

As for the actual beds itself, her yellow and gold duvet had been pulled off to reveal her white sheets. And on those white sheets, we're two words written in the red blood of Mr Honey. Smeared as if someone had finger painted it.

Bloodtraitor Slut

It read in its horrifying lettering. The body of the little rabbit spinning as if someone put a charm on it.

The only part of Mr Honey that wasn't skinned was his head. No doubt to make him recognizable, his pink fluffy collar that Aveline put on him still hanging from his neck.

"Do you have any idea who might've done this Miss Rosier?" Dumbledore asked as he turned to her, eyes narrowed.

Her heart paled, she knew. In her heart and her soul she knew who did this. It was written very clearly on her bed, reminding her of the last time she talked to her brother.

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