I Never Said I has Good Coping Mechanisms

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Sun filtered in from the white curtains, creating a soft glow around the room. A girl with golden hair lay sprawled out on grand looking four poster bed. Her limbs taking up as much room as humanly possible.

When Aveline did fall asleep, it had been 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning, her body finally allowing itself to rest as the light seeped in. She desperately needed the sleep, after exhausting herself yesterday on top of barely sleeping at all in the last week.

It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, no one daring to wake her. As per James's mention the night before, Remus and Peter had arrived a couple hours ago. James and Sirius doing their best to fill them in on the situation before she woke up.

When Dumbledore had showed up to Potter mansion on the first day of summer vacation, James and Sirius being the troublesome duo they were, overhead him asking the Potter parents to be the safe house for Aveline. By sheer will the boys had convinced the adults to let them tag along in bringing her back to the mansion.

Though they didn't know everything. They knew more then Remus and Peter, from what they overhead. They knew the wedding was some sort of distraction for the auror's to attack, and they also knew for some reason it was essential Aveline escaped.

"Well they could've just meant cause she's young and nice," Peter tried to reason when James and Sirius brought up what they heard. "No one wants to see young and nice people getting hurt."

"I don't know Pete," James started shaking his head, "You didn't hear the way Dumbledore said it. Like it was bad if they did though he didn't explain why."

The four boys had been trying to figure out what was going on ever since the whole Aveline was almost a human sacrifice in the shrieking shack thing. Shortly after that Emerald had been fired and arrested under suspicious she was working with the Dark Lord. No matter how many they begged for information from anyone they could, no one told them anything.

And of course they hadn't really talked to Aveline since the night it all went down in the shrieking shack. The girl spending two weeks passed out before being ripped away by her parents.

Remus was on edge himself. It didn't help that the full moon was in a couple days, and hearing all this talk about Aveline made him feel sick. He had been so full of worry since the day in the hospital wing he barely had been sleeping. It didn't help that anytime the boys tried to go to any adult— Mcgonagall, Dumbledore, Sprout— all they got told was that Aveline would be fine.

All he wanted to do was see her. To lay his own eyes on her and know with his own heart she actually was fine. He would be able to tell the moment he looked at her if she was okay.

"Put the prophet away," Euphemia called from the kitchen, seeing it in Sirius's hands. "She doesn't need to see it when she wakes up."

Euphemia was right, the front page was a picture of Rosier Mansion full of smoke and dust.


Calvus along with six or seven other death eaters had been arrested that night. Though no word on Evan or Regulus, it was certain the ministry was starting to make cut downs.

When Aveline finally woke, it was to the feeling of something licking her face. At first she jumped in horror, only to see Mr Honey, sitting on her chest with his adorable little face.

"Well hello Sir," she cooed, reaching out to scratch behind his ears. "How did you get here?"

By the look of the light streaming in from her curtains she had slept till mid day. She would've slept longer if it wasn't for the rumbling in her stomach.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now