THE WHOLE talk of the school was the upcoming Quidditch season. The first match was coming up this weekend, Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff.
Which was particularly hilarious, considering those teams respective captains were James Potter and Avelina Rosier.
Avelina hadn't even told the boys she made captain, mostly because she didn't want to steal james spotlight, but also because it would be hilarious watching his reaction when she stepped out with the letter on her chest. There had been some rumours floating around about who had been, most people assuming it to be Amos Diggory.
James even went so far as to try and spy on practices, but Avelina made sure to somehow make him miss it everytime.
"Come on Ave's if our friendship means anything to you, you'll tell me who your bloody captain is," James gritted one evening as they were trying to study in the Gryffindor common room.
Avelina was reading some muggle book Remus had leant her, and snapped it shut with an amused smile on her face.
"Not gonna happen Potter."
"Avelina woman your killing me!" James groaned, literally dropping to his knees infront of her.
"James stop mopping over my wife would ya?" A female voice cut in, and into the common room walked Marlene Mckinon in all her beauty, flanked by Lily Evan's and Mary Mcdonald.
Marlene and Mary naturally adored Aveline. She was the only girl perhaps in the entire school who could
keep the marauder boys in line. And likewise, Aveline adored the both of them.There was Marlene, the bombshell blonde beauty queen who walked through the halls as if it was her runway. And Mary Mcdonalds, perhaps the sweetest girl in the entire world.
Instantly James snapped up when he saw Lily, standing up and straightening his shirt. He slunk on the couch, sitting beside Avelina all well trying to make her explode with his eyes.
"What's got Potters panties in a twist?" Marlene asked, sitting down practically on Avelina's lap and throwing her arm over the girls shoulder. She was eating some sort of cookie, watching it intently as she did.
"I shall have you know Mckinnon, right now your fraternizing with the enemy! Rosier won't tell me who the Hufflepuff captain is!" James snapped, raising his hand as if it was some big injustice.
Marlene gasped, looking at Avelina out of a whole new set of eyes. she was perhaps the second most quidditch obsessed Gryffindor next to James, and looked utterly offended. She jumped of off Avelina's lap, hands on her hips as she pointed at the girl.
"I want a divorce! To think my own wife," she gulped, putting her hand on her chest dramatically.
"Come on just tell us Avelina," Sirius piped in, equally invested as the Gryffindor beater.
Avelina was hiding back laughter, and all she could think to do was shake her head, and leave as soon as possible.
"I should actually get to bed, need a good nights rest if I'm gonna kick Gryffindors ass tomorrow," she sighed, giving a dramatic fake stretch and yawn.
"Oh it's so on Rosier," James huffed, beating his chest like some sort of gorilla.
She let out a final giggle, bidding them all goodnight as she headed towards the doorway. Without saying anything Remus got up, shutting the book he was reading.
He always walked her to back to her common room, no matter how many times she told him it was okay.
Most of the time he wouldn't even ask, just tagging along in silence to make sure she got back okay.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...