It was cold.
The type of cold that made you feel like you'd never expierence warmth again. To the point where it made even your toes ache— partially frozen and stiff with perhaps what is not death, but certainly the opposite of being alive.
Azkaban felt like that, and Aveline hadn't even stepped a foot aside.
She was standing outside, staring up at the fortress of jagged rock flagged by raging ocean. Two guards holding her arms stiffly, wands pointed to her throat.
It had been decided she was at stay in Azkaban until her trial— which was approximately 2 weeks from now. She had no idea what was happening on the outside world, or if anyone was even trying to save her.
The fabric jumpsuit she wore was a tough material, abrasive on her skin as it was meant to be an exfoliator cloth. It clung to her body very loosely, much to long in the limbs and the hands, rollled up multiple times so she didn't trip. It was grey and black in strips, the same one she had seen criminals wearing in the daily prophet.
Her hair was long and flowing all down her shoulders, blowing wildly in the harsh azkaban wind, that made it seem like they were on the edge of the world. The whole place smelt rotten, as if it was a cemetery for the dead corpses of sea creatures. Making her nostrils wish they could close so the smell didn't invade her senses.
Even from outside she could feel the energy of the place, like water trying to put out a flame— suffocating the oxygen in her chest.
The place was like if you personify depression and turn it into sometbing tangible— like a never ending black hole that sucked the will to live out of you. Till you couldn't even imagine times that's weren't full of darkness.
She could barely feel her feet moving her forward, the men walking her into the place, the feeling growing more intense in her chest.
"Merlin," one of the man's said, looking down at parchment in his hand. "She's on level 13, what they doing putting a kid up there?"
It was a well known fact that level 13 is where the worst of the worst resided. The criminals full of dark magic and pure horror in there souls. To the point where they needed more dementors to keep them incapacitated.
So why the ministry decided to put her up there, she didn't know.
As they walked through the place, the prisoners in cages would shake the bars and hiss things at her. Barely looking human, full of sunken eyes and chiseled jaws due to malnutrition. They would look at her as if she was a wild animal up for grabs.
The mere sight of them made her feel sick to her stomach, wishing she could be anywhere else or really anyone else.
Finally they got to the 13th floor.
The prisoners on the 13th floor were different to say the least. They didn't rush to the bars and yell and hiss at Aveline as she walked by.
They sat in the corners of there cells, heads hanging down without as much even looking up at her. All heads full of raggedy greasy hair, some of them not even looking as if they were breathing
One of the men opened up the door to an empty cell, she was expecting them to push her in, but much to her surprise they were very gentle. And she wasn't wrong to take the looks on there faces as apologetic.
It felt wrong, leaving a girl who looked no more than a child in a place full of some of the most murderous criminals of the wizarding world.
Nevertheless though, they gave her one last look before locking the door, and leaving her in the cold cold cell.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...