His face was as pale as a piece of paper, his breathing shallow, his eyes still closed in slumber, but he was alive.
Lily Evans sat next to James bed, crouched as she held his hand on hers, tears still freely falling as she looked at the boy. She kept whispering something to him the others couldn't quite make out, but Sirius was fairly certain it sounded very similar to i-love-you.
"He needs a good nights rest," Madam Pomfrey said, emerging from the back room as she dusted off her hands on her apron.
Mcgonagall along with Proffesor Dumbledore were in the room as well, a whole crowd surrounding the sleeping James Potter, watching him with worry.
"What was he hit with Poppy?" Sirius finally got the courage to ask, on all eyes turned to the healer.
Her eyes turned dark as they darted around the room, there seemed to be some hesitation in her movements.
"I don't know," she admitted her tone grave. "Certainly something dark, nothing I have seen in all my years."
This peaked Aveline interest, the girl lingering a few feet away from the crowd, pacing. She was keeping her distance from Lily, most of all because she felt embarrassed at her outburst on the girl.
"The incantation," Lily began, her eyes narrowing as she began to think, "God I can't remember, it sounded sort of snake like, like sectum setra or something—"
"Sectum sempra?" Aveline cut her off, taking a step forewords. "Like sectumsempra?" she asked.
Lily nodded eagerly, "yes, that's exactly what it sounded like!"
The only reason Aveline knew what Lily was trying to say was from all the Latin lessons her father had forced her to take as a child. Sectum meant sever, and the closest sword to setra was sempra which meant forever, it didn't take her much to pair the two together.
So this spell that James was hit with was some sort of homemade dark spell, that obviously aimed to forever cut the target, which would explain the large amount of blood still leaking from his bandage. The only thing that looked like it was keeping him alive, was the large amount of blood bonding potion madam pomfrey had charmed to constantly flow into his body.
If Aveline was correct however, given the nature of the spell, it meant that the second James was off the blood potion he would bleed out and die.
She watched as Madam Pomfrey walked over his bed, the witch checking James wound before going to remove the vial of blood potion— no doubt assuming that he had consumed more then enough blood into his body to now sustain him.
"Wait stop!" Aveline shrieked, nearly pumbling over Peter to get to Poppy.
The woman froze, all eyes landing on Aveline in much concern.
"Miss Rosier?" It was Dumbledore who finally spoke, "What is it?"
"Sectumsempra, severed forever, always cut," she said softly, staring down at the floor as her mind moved 100 miles a minute. "Severed forever," she repeated, to no one in particular.
"I'm sorry Miss Rosier, what is you are—
"If she takes the blood potion out he will die. The bleeding hasn't stopped, it can't stop. SectumSempra, forever cut. The spell has been designed to make the target bleed out, it's a miracle James got her in time," she explained as if it was obvious, completely unaware everyone was staring at her as if she had two heads.
Nonetheless Madam Pomfrey paused, exchanging a very confused look with Dumbledore.
"What is it your saying Miss Rosier?" Dumbledore asked, taking a step forward.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...