You know when one of your parents are upset, and everyone in the house knows to walk on eggshells for a little bit? Well similar things were happening to the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
Except, it wasn't their parents, it was captain Aveline Rosier who was making their practices a living hell. We're talking running around the field till they wanted to throw up. The girl finding a new found intensity for the sport.
"This year we are coming back winners or we won't be coming back at all," she told her team as they were in the dressing room.
"What? You gonna kill us?" Dorcas joked.
She told them was reinventing the way things were run. Coming up with a hole new extensive list of plays and strategies, that she made then study till their eyes hurt. As last year Gryffindor won the cup, Aveline was turning it up many notches.
She somehow managed to talk them into getting the field every morning at 5am. Which was great for her— who somehow woke up with enough energy to run practice five times over again.
The hufflepuffs would drag themselves to the field clutching half pieces of toast and cups of coffee. Eyebags heavy and distant dreamy looks in their eyes as if they were still dreaming.
Only to find their captain, looking awake as ever already doing jumping jacks in the dressing room.
"Good morning team! This is going to be an excellent, wonderful practice!" she would cheer energetically, and not a single person would respond.
Dorcas tried to suggest they slow down on the practice one time. The mere suggestion gave Aveline such a bad eye twitch no one suggested it again. It looked like she was about to snap, like some sort of angry 12 year old boy.
"I don't care if you have to throw yourself off your broom Johnson! Get me that snitch!"
It got to the point where they just did what she said. For one she was simply Aveline Rosier, and for two they didn't want their heads chopped off.
It was one day when she was sitting in transfiguration beside Mary. Looking down at her reading with little actual interest in it. Mcgonagall left the room for a moment, and as she did James slinked over. Tapping on Aveline's desk to get her attention.
"Aveline," he hissed. She looked up giving him a raised eyebrow and bored expression.
"What? Your disturbing my reading!"
"Oh knock it off. I want to know how you got all those practice time slots! And what are you up too? I saw two of your players crying well studying a book of plays yesterday," he talked accusingly, no doubt wanting to know what she had up her sleeve for the upcoming season.
If anyone could relate to the Hufflepuff players it was the Gryffindor team. Who were trying survive the wrath of James Potter, who was possibly more crazy when it came to Quidditch then Aveline.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" she taunted with an amused little smirk.
At the moment Mcgonagall walked in, sighing as she saw James crouched at Aveline's desk. Disturbing the peace as always.
"Potter back to your desk!" she barked automatically in her usual stern tone.
"Sorry Minnie," he shrugged, standing up. "I'm just trying to get Hufflepuff's Quidditch strategy out of her."
"Oh," Mcgonagall replied. "Carry on then Mr Potter."
And so, James did just that. Spending the better portion of the class poking her in the face and trying to get any information out of her. It got to the point Mary just up and told him he could have her seat— that's how annoyed she was with him. Leaving Aveline to sit next to a pestering James Potter.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...