Sometimes We are Ass

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Two Hours ago:

"You know Lily, it would be rather funny if you opened a flower shop."

James was giggling, the head boy and the head girltalking of nothing in particular as they wandered through the halls. They were talking of nothing in particular, just the stupid type of conversation you have with your friend when silence fills the air.

Lily rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to make a witty comment when James suddenly shushed her, holding out an arm to get her to stop walking.

"James what—"

She began, thinking this was another one his stupid practice jokes.

It was then that she saw them.

The figures with the silver masks, green silver ties around their necks emerging from the corner down the hall. It was half a dozen or them, with wands drawn pointing towards James and Lily.

The silver masks didn't hesitate, instantly throwing some sort of spell at James and Lily, that was deflecting as James attempted to pull Lily back.

"Lily run!" James tried to tell the girl, physically trying to push her away from the harm.

A weird feeling in James gut told him that wouldn't be the last time he said such a statement.

Though Lily was stubborn, she moved to him so they were side by side, fighting next to him and throwing spells and defensive shields when she could.

It happened so quick she barely even saw it.

Someone had snuck up behind him, muttering a curse that neither of them recognized.


Before Lily could understand what was happening James was shoving her out of the way and the next thing she knew blood was everywhere. His white shirt turning red in an instant, the silver masks running away not wanting to be caught on at the crime scene.

"James no, James no," Lily shrieked dropping down on her knees and trying to press her hands to stop the bleeding.

Except she couldn't possibly stop the bleeding, the massive cut through his torso pouring open like a wide waterfall, his eyes slowly closing shut.

Lily didn't even realize she was screaming at the tops of her lungs, so loudly that it echoed through the halls getting the attention of Proffesor Flitwick and Mcgonagall.

The woman pulled Lily off in an instant, holding the sobbing girl in her arm as Flitwick stretchered James to the hospital wing with a flick of his wand, blood trailing after him like it was the scene of a murder—

Which of course, it just might be.


As Aveline rounded the corner to the hospital wing, all she saw was a closed door and Sirius, James, Peter, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas, sitting outside on chairs with heads hanging low. Sirius was holding his head in his hands, not even lifting it as Aveline approached. She was certain he was sobbing in his hands, and didn't want anyone to see.

Without saying anything she went to the door, trying to open it only to find it locked.

In frustration she let out a scream, kicking it with her foot and running a hand through her hair.

"Aveline calm down," Lily tried to reason, which really wasn't a good time for her to be speaking.

Since lost in her rage Aveline turned to her, pointing at her with a wild look on her eyes.

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