"We are gathered her today to honour the life of Aveline Rosier."
The rain poured, dropping off the many black umbrellas surronding a jet black coffin. Heads bowed, tears pouring down the eyes of even strangers— as hundreds upon hundreds of people had come to pay their respects to the girl that had vanquished the dark lord.
When it came time to deciding who would run Aveline's funeral, it wasn't even a question.
James Potter stood on a wooden speakers platform, black hair flopping in the rain as he chocked back tears. Beside him stood Remus Lupin, his head staring down at the ground as if he was begging it to swallow him. Though they stood together, James did all the talking.
Remus knew even if he tried, he wouldn't even be able to get word out.
"Aveline Rosier was a hero. It is because of her," James voice broke, off, "it is because of her I am standing here today. Not only did she save my life and my families— for which I am eternally grateful— but she saved the lives of many who would've certainly been taken."
The speech went on in the way those type usually do. The formalities of thanking everyone for coming, in a rushed tone as James tried not to break down. It was taking everything James had in him not to give into it, the sobs begging to be released from his throat.
Remus wasn't even listening to a single world he was saying, staring at the coffin with a distant look on his face. He couldn't help but to picture her— her sleeping body in that dreadful box. Beautiful blonde hair sprawled around her, eyes shut to never be open again.
He didn't even realize James's speech' was over, till the man was nudging him in the side.
And now was Remus's turn to say the one line James had left for him, and he wasn't even sure he could get it out.
"We—" a tremble ached through his voice, breaking through as Remus clutched his head in his hands.
The crowd was patient, waiting for him to find whatever he needed to be able to talk. From beside him he could feel James grabbing his hand, trying to tell him it was all okay.
But it wasn't okay.
Aveline was gone. Forever.
"We love you Aveline," he finally got out.
The crowd clapped, and Remus wanted to badly to be able to say more. To honour this woman's memory in a way that she truly was deserving of. But not a single sentence he could string together could describe what she meant to him. His pain was to overwhelming for him to be able to even open his mouth again, so he let James drag him off the stage, trying to ignore the sounds of the people in the crowd.
Remus, James, Lily, baby Harry, — those were the only people sitting in the very front row of the funeral.
The family row.
Everyone else was gone in some way or another.
Marlene was dead. Evan Rosier was dead. Regulus Black was dead. Mary Mcdonald was dead. Gideon and fabian Prewett were dead. Dorcas was dead.
Alice and Frank Longbottom were barely even there anymore. Minds lost to morning but madness as they spent their days in St Mungos. They would have been better off as dead.
And of course, Sirius Black was locked up behind bars, for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and 12 by standing muggles.
In the front row of Aveline Rosier's funeral, Remus Lupin wept into the arms of James Potter. The two men mourning the loss of more then just one fallen friend.
It was en era of tragedy, it was an era of soul crushing tears.
The type of times that people either die in, or a part of them die in.
It was the marauders era.
And now, in one sweeping night it was over. The years of feeling fear as you went to sleep, the mumbles of death in shadows, and the evidence of pain appearing on paper.
It fell as she did, a beautiful angel fallen to save them all.
James looked down at his son— his beautiful son sitting in his wife's arms. It was for them— the future children that would inherent this world— that Aveline' and so many others died for.
Ever so gently James reached out, pulling Harry into his arms.
"You make her proud," James whispered at Harry, tears dripping down his eyes as he stared down at the child. "She did this for you. So you can grown up in an era that maybe is a little better then the one you were born in. So you make your Auntie Aveline proud, okay?"
James wasn't sure, but in that moment he was certain he saw something buzzing on Harry's shoulder. A little glitter, of something so quick he almost thought he was crazy.
But Harry certainly saw it two, for the little boys eyes widened and he began to laugh. Many people were giving them side looks,no doubt wanting James to shut his son up. Though the only thing the man could do was smile through his tears, clutching his son to his chest as tight as he possible could.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus Lupin
FanfictionThe story of two idiots who don't know how to talk about their feelings...... and their even more idiotic friends. ____________________ This story is a remus lupin x OC fiction! It starts during the marauders hogwarts years, and stretches into the...