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Aveline snuck through the side of the tent, watching Harry enter the arena beside the large group of dragon trainers.

He looked so small, surronded by the large stands and many jagged rocks in the arena. The wind was clearly blowing ash and dust in his face, the boy crouching down as the dragon roared.

The hungarian horn tail was by far the most horrifying dragon of the bunch. It was black and glittery in the sun, yellow angry eyes that were locked on Harry as he tried to hide himself behind rocks.

Its spiky tail thrashed violently around, sending rocks flying that caused Aveline to let out a little scream as one came dangerously close to crushing him.

From where Aveline was standing, she could breathe in the thick dusty air from the dragons breathe, she couldn't imagine how Harry felt.

"A horntail?" Aveline shouted to Charlie Weasley, who was standing beside her cheering for Harry along with the rest of the Hogwarts crowd. "What on earth possessed you to bring a horntail."

Charlie shrugged sheepishly, "It was the only dragon left. If I knew it was going to go to Harry, I would've tried to find something else."

They turned their attention back to Harry, who was doing nothing but dodging fire, a spiky tail and falling rocks. Aveline was screaming, she couldn't help it. She couldn't imagine how terrified James and Lily were.


She wasn't sure if he heard her, but moments later he was reaching into his pocket, fumbling around.


Aveline let out another scream, causing Charlie to turn his head and give her a look that said what the fuck. She couldn't help it — this was Harry Potter. As in the son of her beloved James and Lily. As in her God son.

"Do you normally call your students baffoons?" charlie asked, his body turned to her as he looked at her with his class cheshire cat grin.

Aveline didn't have time to look at him, she was focused on making sure Harry didn't get burnt to crisps.

Though she sent him a quick glare out of the corner of her eye, "in life or death situations, yes."

He laughed, though she didn't hear, all her senses were locked in on Harry's broom flying towards him. With a quick swing of his legs, he had hopped on his broom, and was off.

Brilliant stupid his plan was. But mostly brilliant.
Harry was by far a better flyer then he was wizard, and Aveline watched in awe at his twists and turns and dips.

Though of course, this was Harry Potter, and though he seemed to evade death the way sinners evade the plague, luck was never really on his side.

A loud clang, filling the stadium followed by a roar, as the dragon lurched for Harry and broke free.

The scream out of Aveline's mouth so blood curling you would've thought she was the one being chased by the dragon. She watched as Harry took off over the stadium, the dragon following him to god knows where.

Aveline did the only thing she could think of at the moment, whirl towards Charlie and punch him in the arm.

"Ow!" He groaned, rubbing his arm where she hit it. "What was that for?"

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now