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"Well then," Dumbledore spoke, "I welcome you all to the Order of the Phoenix."

Dumbledore 's words ran through Aveline mind and shook her chest. Logically she knew for the greater good, this was a good thing. She herself was eager to become part of the fight, but her hesitation was in realizing the danger the people she loved so dearly now were in.

She looked at James. Brilliant, talented, responsible, intelligent James Potter with all the ability and resources in the world to do something grand with his life, now a solider in a war he had no part in starting.

Mixed with her hesitation was a feeling of pride perhaps deeper then her worry. Her friends— her talented brilliant friends— would all be on the right side of history. Despite her growing fears she was proud to stand next to them and be apart of something bigger than herself.

Dumbledore informed them that once they graduate in the spring the true work will start. Meetings and missions for now would be on hold till summer rolled around and they were officially adults. For now, his only instruction was to keep quiet and stay alert from any relevant details or rumours they might come across in the halls of Hogwarts.

As he dismissed them for the evening, his eyes fluttered to a series of envelopes on his desk.

"Miss Rosier, Mr Potter, Mr Black, and Miss McKinnon if you the four of you don't mind holding back for a minute or two."

James and Aveline locked eyes, both parties not sure what this about. Sirius seemed equally as confused, the boy raising an eyebrow at Aveline as they watched the rest of their friends filter out.

Once the door was shut behind Peter, Dumbledore picked up four parchment envelopes on his desk, extending one to each of the seventh years now standing infront of him.

"What's this?" Aveline dared to ask, taking in the elegant scrawl that had her name written on the front.

"Please," Dumbledore motioned to the letter, "I suggest you open and read for yourself"

Her fingers fumbled the paper, her eyes scanning quickly over the ministry symbol and address at the top.

Miss Aveline Rosier, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy,

Greetings Miss Rosier. I am writing on behalf the Auror Headquarters of the Ministry of magic. We have received your application to attend the Auror academy of Magic this upcoming July, and believe you to be an excellent fit and addition to the ministry.

We would like to extend an offer to study under Alastor Moody starting July 1st of this year. More details will be sent closer to the date if you choose to accept.

Wishing you a successful end of the academic year,

Bruce Willis, Auror Department of Magic,

A quick glance over at Sirius and James letter, told her the others has gotten the exact same one as her. In pure glee she watched as James and Sirius both let out an excited yelp,  both boys jumping out of their seats and embracing each other in a brotherly fashion.

"Padfoot!" James exclaimed, his features taking on those of a little kid. "We are gonna be Aurors!"

Sirius let out a whooping holler, patting Marlene on the shoulder who seem equally as thrilled. Sirius and James had been talking about being aurors together ever since first year .

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now