Growing Pains

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An out of breathe Aveline Rosier and Remus Lupin arrived at the quidditch field just in time to see James Potter lifting the Quidditch cup surrounded by at least one hundred students. Upon realizing they had missed the entire game, the two had sprinted down from Gryffindor tower after quickly throwing on their clothes in a guilty haste.

"Excuse me guys," Remus called, grabbing Aveline by the hand and pulling her through the crowd.

After what felt like ten minutes they arrived at the front, the crowd parting like they were practically royalty.

"Ave! Moony!" Peter greeted, happily clapping with the rest of the group. "Where have you guys been? The girls and I were looking for you!"

"We decided to watch from the Hufflepuff stand," Aveline quickly lied, Remus nodding his head behind her. "Great game!"

"Great game," Remus repeated, still profusely nodding his head.

At that moment Sirius noticed the duo had joint them, the excited Gryffindor letting out a holler as he ran over, throwing an arm over both of them and greeting each with a kiss on the cheek.

"Quidditch cup CHAMPIONS BABY! GO LIONS!" He screamed, and a cheer erupted around them. "Where were you guys sitting?" Sirius asked innocently. "I was trying to find you in the stands and didn't see you with Pete."

"Hufflepuff stands," Aveline told him.

Sirius was giving her an odd look, his head tilted. She wasn't sure why she was staring at her so hard, when he reached forward touching a spot on her neck.

"What's this Ave?" He asked with a devilish grin.

"Stress mark! From the stressful game," she answered.

Sirius crossed his arms, looking at if he was on the verge of laughter. "Righttt. And I suppose those knots in the back of your hair are also from stress?"

She nodded, trying to avoid Sirius's gaze at all costs.

"So I guess the red marks on Remus neck are also from the stressful game," Sirius continued, turning to face Remus. "Merlin you two are like a horny pair of vampires, sneaking off as the game ended for a make out session behind the stands. Unbelievable," Sirius muttered though clearly was amused. "Don't think you two can fool me."

Aveline sighed in relief that, that was all Sirius assumed it was. Clearly Remus was relieved too, as he played along with it, telling Sirius to keep quiet.  At the top of the world with laughter, Sirius agreed but wouldn't stop making jokes about vampires as if his life depended on them.

James was so far in his own world of glee, he probably hadn't even realized Aveline and Remus weren't sitting in their usual spots. The boy passing the cup off to someone else so he could pull Lily into a celebratory kiss.

"AVELINE!" James hollered and he was suddenly pushing through the crowd with Lily following him.

When he got to her he pulled her into a tight hug, nearly crushing her windpipe as he did . He pulled away, aggressively shaking her shoulders with glee.

"Thank you thank you thank YOU! This is all because of you, if you didn't forfeit that game," James voice cracked as he nearly was on the verge of tears. "GO GRYFFINDOR FUCK YEAH!" He suddenly hollered at the top of his lungs. "WOOOOO!"

The cheers continued and followed the group back up to Gryffindor tower where a wild and chaotic Gryffindor victory party was certain to take place. 

These were the nights that the proffesor's would pretend not hear the thumping music and loud noises coming from the common room.

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