James's Big Day

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Naturally, the very first thing that James asked when he came to his senses was:


In a panicked voice as he looked around breathing heavy.

It was then that Madam Pomfrey informed him that yes indeed an entire week had gone by since James had been swimming in and out of consciousness, in which the boy loudly exclaimed he wished he had just died, since nothing was worse then being booted from his last chance to win the Quidditch cup.

It wasn't until Peter informed him that Hufflepuff backed out, did James calm down, but even then he had a whole new series of questions.

"What do you mean they forfeit? Where's Aveline? That can't be right, she would never. Here Peter, help me remove this weird cord from my wrist I need to go—"

"Mr Potter sit down!" Madam Pomfrey barked from across the room, and the boy threw himself back in his bed dramatically.

"But Poppy it's been an entire week, the people miss me!"

"The people, can wait a couple half more hour well I check your vitals."

The rest of the group was in potions, which was why was  and Peter were the only one there. Usually at all times there was someone by James bed, they always wanted to make sure he had someone to wake up to.

Once James was finally done, Madam Pomfrey let him leave on strict orders he would lay low, and not do anything that exerted himself too much over the next few days. She said the next part mainly to Sirius and Peter, with a stern expression that said watch him .

James however, was happy as he could possibly be. He was alive and breathing, which was enough for him despite the large amount of pain that clenched his stomach whenever he moved.

He happily accompanied Sirius and Peter to lunch, chatting away as if he hadn't almost died a mere week ago.

Of course, the second they door opened to the great hall there was a hush that moved across the student body.

"It's James!"

"He's not dead!"

"Look it's Potter!"

All eyes moving to look at the head boy who happily sent waves to people who smiled at him like he was some sort of celebrity.

However no one, not even James himself was prepared for what was about to come.

For infront of the entire school, Lily Evans rose, closing the distance between her and James with a run.

That was shocking enough, and no one was prepared for the girl to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him in front of the entire school as if there was no tomorrow.

James clearly was not complaining, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her back just as eagerly.

The whole great hall was in a complete roar, people physically clapping and cheering, letting out hollers as the two kissed.

Even Dumbledore was clapping along, smiling at the two lovers alongside everyone else. Sirius Black was going absolutely bat shit crazy, wolf whistling and screaming so loud it sounded like he was about to loose his voice.

When she finally pulled away James had stars in his eyes, looking down at her as she smiled up at him.

"You kissed me infront of the entire school!" he whispered to her, in such excitement his face was bright red and his cheeks were already in pain from smiling.

In response all she did was giggle, the two not daring to take their hands off of eachother even though the entire school was still watching.

"Come on James," Lily said softly, sending him a sheepish grin, "you should be able to kiss your girlfriend infront of the school."

"M-m-my girlfriend?!!" James squeeked, looking as if he was about to collapse at any moment (not from the injury, from the sheer amazingness of what he was hearing).

Lily laughed, and with a grin on her face she leaned in again, answering him with another delicate kiss.

"Girlfriend?!!" James repeated, in complete awe.

"Girlfriend," Lily confirmed, wrapping his hands around hers and dragging him to the Gryffindor table.

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