Playboy bunnies and confused purebloods

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As Halloween usually does, it snuck up on Aveline with a bite. The girl so consumed with school work, prefect duties, and Quidditch she barely had time to breath let alone think.

After throwing a fit about his friends incompetence, James went ahead and got costumes for the all five of the marauders. Claiming that last year their costumes were disasters— besides Sirius.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Aveline huffed, throwing open the door of the Gryffindor girls dorm room on the night Halloween.

As usual the girls were getting ready in the Gryffindor's dorm room— Dorcas even joining who was currently stretched out on Marlene's bed munching on taffy.

Lily was standing at the mirror with a makeup brush in her hand, the red haired girl turning around and giving Aveline a patronizing motherly look.

Aveline had got a little distracted by James boasting he could beat her in a foot race after dinner, and had spent the better part of the previous hour racing him with Sirius as a referee.

James should've won every time, though that didn't stop Aveline from whispering spells under her breath that made him trip and fall to give herself an advantage.

As such, she currently was a hot mess, of wild blonde curls and flushed cheeks. Still in her school uniform from the day, thought her white shirt untucked and sweaty, tie not on her neck. Her skirt crooked and socks all slouched down her calves

Marlene took one look at her and let out a snort.

"Got a little caught up in a broom closet did we?" Marlene said, causing the rest of the girls to let out sheepish giggles.

"What No!" Aveline exclaimed, looking down at her outfit only for her face to flush. "I was with James—"

A couple gasps went across the room, Lily's face turning a bright red as the girls mistook what she meant for something far more dirty minded.

"I was racing him! Like running," she explained, and the girls only giggled more.

"Whatever you say sweetheart," Marlene chucked, turning back to her lipstick. "And hurry up we're supposed to be there in 15."

Aveline rolled her eyes, sauntering in and shutting the door with sass behind her. She had a bag in her had— no clue what was in it— it was the halloween costume James had gotten her.

She dumped it out on Lily's bed, to be greeted by the sight of a red silk looking bath robes, a sailors hat and a pipe? She had never been more confused in her life, not a single clue what James was making her dress up as.

Nevertheless though, 15 minutes later she was walking out of the girls bathroom. Her hair done in voluminous tamed curls, makeup done with a red lip, and the outfit on with a pair of black boots she stole from Marlene.

When she walked out the girls audibly gasped, Mary dropping the hairbrush she had in her hand.

"That is the costume Potter picked out for you?!" Marlene screeched, a smile of pure glee on her face.

"Yeah I'm not sure what it even is," she looked down at herself, taking in the silky texture of the bath robe. "It's supposed to be a group costume so—"

She was cut off as the girls let out screech's of laughter.

"You're telling me," Lily began, hiding her laughter behind her hand. "James has dressed you all up as Hugh Hefner and the playboy bunnies?"

"Wicked," Marlene sighed, looking Aveline up and down. Fully checking her out.

"What?" Aveline asked, not knowing at all who Hugh Hefner was or the significance of her costume.

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