Cinderella and Her Prince

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It was the week before christmas break, the castle swarming with  students eager for the holidays to finally reach. The air buzzed, the great hall shone with beautiful decorations, and laughter bursted to the point that the castle seemed like a heaven, shielding the kids from the hell growing outside.

It was on one of these beautiful mornings, that the winter sun shone through the many windows, when the prophet dropped and the illusion shattered.

For the past couple months things had quiet, rumbled and mumbles, but nothing much. But here, was a flock of owls, delivering news that instantly caused whispers to fly through the halls.


The first person Aveline looked to was her brother, her eyes flying form her paper to the Slytherin table. Though the moment their eyes met, she wished she hadn't.

His dark eyes seemed to amused, no one at the Slytherin table holding the prophet or even looking at one. He sent her mischievous smirk, sipping his coffee casually.

Aveline didn't have to ask, she knew, deep into her heart that her twin brother had something to do with. That he, the boy she had grown up with, had the blood of these two people on his hands— along with his group of idiots sitting around him with similar expressions. Sirius seemed to figure out the same thing, glaring at the table with such anger it seemed as if he was ready to break out in a fight any moment.

The two pureblood exchanged eye contact, one full of fear, and a whole lot of heartbreak.  For both their brothers were sitting among the smug group.

It was after this, that Sirius promptly dragged Aveline into a broom closet before class.

"You can't go home for christmas!" He immediately said to her, grabbing her by the shoulders as if he was scared she was going to run away.


"Don't Aveline. We both know that it's not safe. Evan and your Dad..."

She listened to Sirius ramble for another minute or so, her jaw clenched the entire time. The only thing she wanted to help him is that she had too. That no matter how dangerous or how terrifying it was, she couldn't run away from it all.

For all she could think about was her sleeping mother— her sleeping mother that most people who thought was dead— who needed Aveline to be her protector.

Aveline would rather be stabbed in the back and die a horrible death then turn her back on her mother

"Sirius I can't," she snapped a little more harshly then she intended. "You of all people should understand that."

"Why not?" Sirius was desperate, his eyes swimming, trying to search her face for any sign that should be willing. "You can come to the Potters, they'd be more then willing Aveline. You can't go back."

Sirius was so scared. So scared that Aveline would go back for the holidays and come back bloody and bruised, scared that she'd go and come back like one of them. Sitting smug like his little brother, all well his friends murdered people.

He couldn't loose her, he couldn't loose the one person who felt like family from his childhood, to the same bullshit that took his little brother. He feared for safety, physical and mental, and he couldn't comprehend why she wasn't willing.

"Sirius listen to me," she said gently, grabbing his face in her hands, "I can't go, because there's something I need to take care of. Something that is so very important. I promise you all be okay, and I promise you when I come back I'll still be the same old Aveline, okay?"

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