treehouses and kisses

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The Potter mansion whafted with smells of Euphemia's delicious cooking that made Aveline stomach grumble.

Dinners at the Potters had become a regular thing for many memebers of the Order of Phoenix and company. With missions constantly coming and going, Euphemia and Fleamont often opened their home to anyone who wanted a home cooked meal and a warm bed to sleep in. 

The couple thought they weren't doing much, in comparison to those who were constantly running around the globe chasing death eaters and dark magic, but truthfully it was nights like this that gave people the opportunity to sit and eat and be, that got people through the war.

Aveline was immediately greeted by the feeling of a warm hand reaching for hers, instantly sending little sparks of comfort through her body. The feeling continued with the soft kiss Remus placed on her forehead.

She would never get used to it — feeling so loved it made her whole body feel warm. And all she hoped is that this feeling would never go away.

The young woman wrapped her arm around the taller boys neck, pulling him for a hug as she finally let entire body relax.

"How was your day?" he asked softly.

The house was loud, bustling with laughter and different voices, yet it was as if the two were in their own little bubble.

Aveline smiled, her finger tracing down Remus's jaw as as she answered. "I reckon James will cry when he sees her in her dress."

Remus smiled softly, his brain barely concentrating on her words. All this talk about weddings and dresses lately, had put a lot on the young werewolves mind.

And this had nothing to do with James and lily upcoming wedding and everything to do with the blonde girl he currently held in his arms.

Dinner came with its usual spread of delicious dishes and laughter. Lately, the conversation had been particularly bright — unclouded by the looming war and brightened by the spread of young love and hope for the future.

Usually after dinner Aveline would stick around and chat with the Potters, though there was something in the air that felt different today.

As she was standing near the kitchen attempting to help Mrs Potter with dishes, she was stopped by her favourite brunette haired by.

"Come on," Remus nudged her, holding out his arms for her to grab. "How do you fancy a late night adventure tonight ?"

Aveline's eyebrow quirked. Remus knew her too well, there was something about an adventure that Aveline could never turn down.

"Adventure?" she asked Remus. "What has gotten into you Mr Lupin."

The boy laughed, grabbing her hand as he did. After bidding everyone goodbye, Remus apparated the duo away with a quick pop.

Aveline felt her feet hit uneven dirt beneath her, and if it wasn't for Remus strong hold around her waist she would've fallen face first.

Her eyes adjusted to the sight infront of her, taking in the forest  of ever lush green trees. The sun was setting, basking them in a slight golden light.

"Look," Remus pointed, and she followed her finger to a small  looking treehouse sitting at the top of one of the trees.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now