A Little Family Drama

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Aveline always told herself that nothing really mattered in the big picture.

She got a bad grade on her charms final? No big deal, when she was 30 she wouldn't remember.

Her brother was mad at her because she didn't wear the correct outfit to the Lestrange mansion? Who cares! He'd get over it eventually.

Very little managed to shake the girl up. So much so that she was often the one people came to when they needed someone to calm them down. Very rational she was indeed, so if Aveline Rosier was freaking out about something, it was probably quite bad.

Which as she opened her first letter of the year  from her father , eyes scanning over the perfect scrawl of writing, she did indeed start freaking out. One look at the Slytherin breakfast table told her Evan was feeling the same way. The slytherin boy staring down at a similar color piece of parchment looking even more pale then usual.

Evan looked up, his eyes locking with his sister.

There wasn't much they agreed upon or even talked about now adays. They were practically living alternative lives.

Everything that was except matters that came to her.

If the Rosier siblings had one weakness in the entire world, it was the soft spot for their mother. Even Evan, as cold and psychotic as he was, was turned into nothing more but a crying little boy when she was brought up.

Mr Rosier never mentioned her, unless he needed something from them. Like obedience or a reminder to behave. In fact he hadn't brought up for the past two or so years.

So it was very shocking indeed, when both siblings received identical letters in everything but who they were addressed too.

She watched Evan get up from his seat, mumbling an obvious fake excuse to his housemates. As he left he gave Aveline another look. It was a signal, years of being twins she knew her brothers every motion and what was meant by it.

"I better go. Lily asked me to meet her before lessons," she told the group of boys she was sitting with.

They nodded, it wasn't a very uncommon occurrence. For Lily Evans always rose early. Eating breakfast before the rest of the school before heading to the library for some early reading. On occasion her friends, Aveline included, would meet her.

What was uncommon however, was that moments after Aveline left, in strolled Lily Evans running a hand through her red hair.

The four boys shared a very confused look, James Potter moving over to where Lily sat down next to Marlene and Mary.

"Hey Lily—"

"What do you want Potter?" Lily snapped, though immediately looked apologetic. She couldn't help it, it was practically muscle memory to be mean to the boy at this point. "Sorry, what is it?"

"Aren't you supposed to be meeting Aveline in the library?"

"What?! No! Did she say we were?" Lily asked, clearly panicked she accidentally had stood up Aveline.

Except this was Lily Evans, and if she made plans with someone she most certainly would've remembered. 

"Just as I thought," James mummbled, before telling Lily thanks and sliding back to the boys.

The four of them sat, heads huddled together as James relayed what Lily said.

"Alright well let's just check to see where she is on the map," Peter suggested.

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Remus asked.

Sirius shrugged, James nodded and Peter just stared.

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