Glitter and Sunshine!

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Sand hit the back of Aveline's head as she groaned, warm sunlight hitting her face.

Suddenly remembering what she had just been doing, Aveline jumped up.

Where was Sirius? Where was Harry?

The memory of Tessie grabbing her wrist came to her, and she whirled around, spotting the woman standing behind her.

"What was that?" Aveline demanded, rounding on the woman. "Where are we? Take me back. I have to save them."

The wind if possible seemed to stir with Aveline's angry words.

"Aveline," Tessie reasoned, her voice stern. "You weren't saving them. You were making yourself disappear. If I let you continue any longer you would stop existing."

Though Aveline was barely hearing the woman's rationale words.

"Take me back!" Aveline screamed, looking up at the sky that was now brewing with dark, grey clouds. "TAKE ME BACK TESSIE. I HAVE TO SAVE THEM."

Tessie just stared at her, head titled with a lip that looked as if it was about to tremble.

"You have to trust that everything is going to be okay without you—"

"No. No," Aveline cut her off, pacing in her spot. "Sirius and Harry were being taken by dementors. You have to take me back."

Aveline sounded as if she was about ten seconds away from crying, or otherwise trying to blow Tessie up with her mind.

"We can't do anything Aveline. Some things you simply have to let play out. I can't let you disappear—"

"I don't care," Aveline snapped, and as she did lightning cracked in the distance. "I don't care if they take my soul. I don't care if I become nothing. I have to save them."

"She is ready."

The voice that spoke was loud, and melodic— and hit Aveline's ears like it was a carefully tuned instrument, and not the vocal box of a human being.

It was then Aveline looked down and realized she was dressed in a familiar golden toga looking dress and gold sandals, that seemed to haunt her dreams everyone again.

As she turned towards the voice, Aveline's breath was stolen from her, as if it was never even hers to begin with. She couldn't look away, her eyes glued to perhaps the most magnificent site she had ever seen in her life.

Standing infront of her was a golden man. A pure golden man, with perhaps the most beauitful features she had ever seen.

He certainly wasn't human he looked as if someone had carved him out of the most expensive brick of gold to ever exist, and spent a lifetime making sure every detail was perfect. He was over 12 feet tall, dressed in absolutely nothing. His lack of clothing showing every inch of his perfect muscular body.

But he wasn't even the best part.

Behind him an army of woman larger then the sea. All dressed in beauitful gold breastplates, and carrying sparkling spears that seemed to glow in the sun.  There was woman every shape and size, and age. Woman with blonde hair, black hair, blue hair— even pink hair.

Aveline felt as if she could cry.

The golden man reached down, a golden looking wreath in his hands.

Ever gently, he placed it on the top of Aveline's head.

"Welcome home," he spoke again, in the melodic voice Aveline was sure she could melt into. "Praise be to the priestess."

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