Old Enemies and Mashed Potatoes

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Cough— Aveline was choking on her water, nearly spitting it out on the table infront of her, as in none other than Alastor Moody walked into the Great Hall.

The young woman practically sent daggers into the back of Dumbledore's head as he introduced Madeye, as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor for their upper year students.

At least a warning would've been nice.

Aveline was fairly confident she could fool everyone else into believing she really was Elowen Grey.

But Mr. Constant Vigilance? There was no way he wouldn't take one look at her and see through her with that mechanical eye of his.

His uneven steps approached the table.

Clunk. Stomp. Clunk Clunk. Stomp.

Huh— that was odd, Aveline thought. She wondered if Alastor had sustained some sort of leg or knee injury as of late.

Aveline had always known Alastor to walk with a very distinct sound pattern. After spending much time with the man, it was a pattern she could never forget :

Clunk. Clunk. Stomp. Stomp. Clunk. Repeat.

Though she reminded herself she had been dead for 13 years. People and their step patterns change.

There was also the matter that Hogwarts was set to host the Triwizard Tournament this year.

This was the second matter that made Aveline nearly spit her water out all over the table. She let out an odd sounding cough, which prompted Professor sprout to place a hand on her shoulder and whisper a "are you alright dear?" in her ear.

The Triwizard Tournament was perhaps one of the stupidest things wizards ever came up with. Like seriously, who thought it was a good idea to put a bunch of hormonal teenagers from different schools in one building, and have kids do seriously dangerous deadly tasks while the risk of the school went manic cheering them on?

Aveline was so thrown off she barely even noticed the tables had begun to grow plentiful with food, as Dumbledore called for everyone to dig in.

If it wasn't for Sprout asking her if she was going to eat anything, Aveline probably would've sat there with her jaw dropped, glaring holes in Dumbledore's head.

The cherry on top however, was the fact Drumstrange was going to be one of the attending schools. Aveline wasn't sure who the current headmaster was, but most likely was some ass-hole who probably had the remnants of a snake tattoo on their forearm.


Aveline was overwhelmed as soon as she turned her attention to the food.

In the short time she had been alive again, she had eaten nothing but bland bread, cheese, apples and canned foods. Nothing as exciting as the juicy looks hams, and roasts infront of her, Buttery garlic full mashed potatoes and gravies.

Where did she even begin.

As the garlic mashed potatoes hit her mouth, she almost collapsed. What flavour they had— moving through her mouth in a way that made a smile spread across her face.

How lucky she was to be alive.

As desert rolled around, Aveline was stuffed. Though she studied the deserts carefully. She had to pick something. It was time to make up for 13 years of tasting nothing.

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