Train Rides and Kisses

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To put it plainly, Remus had a lousy Christmas.
It wasn't the fact that his parents weren't loving, for no certainly Hope and Lyall Lupin were as loving as it gets. 

It was more so the fact his entire holiday was spent sitting in a chair beside his mother's hospital bed, reading the woman books till his eyes felt fuzzy.  That, combined with the fact just a day after christmas was the full moon, meant it was both mentally and physically draining for Remus.

Certainly he was grateful he got to spend time with his parents, but he had to admit sometimes it got too much—

Seeing his mothers health dwindle day by day,

Supporting his father as he cried and cried over his dying wife,

The pressure of the full moon making his an already emotional time feel as if it was drowning him, the days pulling through slowly making him feel as if he was going crazy.

Most of all though, he felt guilty— Guilty for being eager to get back to Hogwarts. So when the day finally came, and he hugged his father biding him goodbye, and as he did a weight lifted off his chest.

He was still exhausted, despite the full moon being a near week ago, his body still aching.

All he wanted to do was get back to his bed, to his friends, to his books, to his homework, to his order— and mostly to her.

Aveline hadn't left his mind the entire the holiday. He wasn't sure why, for Remus wasn't that type of worrier, but every single morning he checked the paper and wrote her a letter, and waited for her to respond with an anxious bounce in his leg.

It wasn't him being controlling or creepy, he genuinely had just been taken with anxiety over something happening to her. He couldn't imagine waking up one day and seeing her name plastered in the paper on in the list of deaths by attack the night before. The Azkaban scare seemed to get to him, and he worried about her like never before.

Christmas had managed to haze over the death and destruction the war was causing for families, though one step on the platform where parents hung to there kids more tightly then before, it was a reminder that even the magic of the season couldn't change the facts:

Things were getting bad, arguably at an all time high. More deaths then ever being reported at the hands of dark side, and as they were approaching graduation, in which they would be thrusted into the real world, it was hard not for Remus to think about.

"Remus!" A voice called from the crowd, and Remus's heart skipped a beat.

He turned around, being faced with a crowd full of unfamiliar faces, his eyes scanning around trying to find her. He was rather tall, so he stood above most people in the crowd.

And sure enough, popping out from the crowd was a very familiar head of bouncy blonde curls and a face full of pretty freckles.

She looked happy, was the first thing he noticed. With her dashing smile looking up at him with those wide pretty blues.

Without saying anything, she threw herself into his arms, and he felt the warmth of her skin, it was like everything melted away.

All the anxiety—

Al the worry—

All the stress—

All the pain—

Erased, as if she took it in her hands and blew it away. It was okay, she was here and it would
be okay.

"Hi," was all he managed to say, his voice feeling in his throat as if it was heavy.  A gentle smile was on his face, not that he noticed.

The Sun and Her Moon- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now