Kiss and Tell

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Sometime during the year 1973:

Aveline really felt like she was finally getting the hang of Hogwarts. She was 13 now, in her third year and truly didn't feel scared by the big halls and terrifying teachers anymore.

Infact, Aveline liked to consider herself a prankster and troublemaker now adays. Oftentimes even sneaking out after curfew, despite the many dentitions she could possibly get.

It was a Sunday night, and Aveline was sleeping on Sirius's bed as the moon shone through the curtains. Often she would just have sleepovers with the boys, usually when she didn't feel like risking the possibility of getting caught sneaking back to her common room.

Tonight though, sleep never came easy. She tossed and turned till she was certain she would wake up the boys if she did it one more time. Slowly, she slipped out of bed, deciding she might as well sit in the common room where she could move around and not disturb anyone.

She tip toed down the stairs, finding her way onto the couch, wrapping a Gryffindor blanket around herself.

"Aveline?" a soft voice asked, and she turned around to see a confused little sleepy Lupin walking down the stairs. "Are you okay?"

"I couldn't sleep," she told the boy, feeling guilty that she must've woke him up

Instead he shrugged, sitting next to her.

"Me too," he told her, letting out a yawn.

Whenever Aveline looked at Remus, she felt her cheeks grow warm. She couldn't explain it, but she always thought he was rather cute or handsome— or whatever the word was used to describe a boy you liked.

she was still young, so she didn't really understand things. All she knew is that sometimes she couldn't take her eyes off of him, and stomach jumped when he was around.

"I know what we can do," Remus said suddenly. "Whenever I can't sleep at home my mom makes me hot chocolate. I'll go get James's cloak, stay here."

Within a couple minutes Remus was back, carrying the invisibility cloak under his arm. He held it open, Aveline stepping under it, hyper aware of how close she was to the tall werewolf

They made their way to the kitchens, Aveline stomach twirling and flipping as they did.  When they arrived it was empty, the house elves having the night off to sleep.

"Wait Remus, how are we supposed to make hot chocolate if the elves aren't here?" Aveline asked dumbfounded.

She was a pureblood witch who grew up in a house where you did nothing the muggle way. Though she had learnt much from her friends over the years, sometimes she still forget that magic wasn't the only way.

"You don't know how to make hot chocolate?" he asked, looked seriously surprised.

She shook her head. "I've only ever seen it down the magical way."

"Well," Remus began, opening a cupboard  and taking out two mugs. "I'll show you the Lupin way."

Being only 13, being alone with a cute boy in the night and making secret hot chocolate felt as dangerous and suggestive to Aveline as anything could possibly be. Every-time their hands brushed when he would show her what to do, she felt her skin spark.

Merlin was he handsome. Remus had been the first boy that Aveline noticed. She still remembered the day in 2nd year when when Marlene Mckinnon called him cute and Aveline at first was disgusted. Then she really started to to think about it, and she realized he was very cute. It was like an epiphany moment, in her little 12 year old brain realizing that boys were actually quite nice to look at. Especially Remus Lupin.

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