BushMedicine - Archimedes and Archimedes Jr

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Archimedes was medic favourite pet, he went everywhere with him and they were inseparable but one morning everything changed
Medic woke up as usual and went to have his breakfast, after breakfast he went to the infirmary to feed his doves and when he got there he grabbed a packet of bird seed, he pour the bird seed on a bird table and all the dove came swooping down to eat the seeds, medic then went to find his favourite dove archimedes and give him his morning attention, he went into the dove room where all the doves live
"archimedes?" medic shouts to archimedes but there was no reply, he shouted for him again for any responses but there was still no reply
medic was starting to worry and he looked around the dove room to see if he was stuck or something but he couldn't find him anywhere in the dove room, he came out the dove room scratching his head in confusion, looked around the infirmary to see if he can see him and then he notice it, he saw a dove lying on his desk looking lifeless, medic ran over and picked up the dove
"archimedes?!" medic say "archimedes speak to me" archimedes head just flopped down
medic put archimedes on the table and grabbed an electric thingy to start his heart again, meanwhile sniper was heading to the infirmary to check on medic, he did it daily to see if medic wasn't causing trouble or doing some big experiment without engie, he got to the infirmary and opened the door
"doc, you alright?" sniper says and he saw medic running around
he stepped in and watch medic in worry since medic had a really worried face and he was crying a little, the electric thingy didn't work on archimedes so he tried cpr, he tried and tried but no matter what he did archimedes wasn't moving, medic was about to cry when he heard a voice behind him, he turned around to see sniper with a worried smile on his face, medic became puffy eyed and ran over to hug sniper
"what the matter?" sniper asked, medic tried to say but he was to upset to say anything so he just pointed at the table where archimedes' body was, sniper looked and he knew it was archimedes since he is the only one with blood stain on his feathers
sniper looked at medic who was crying on snipers shoulders, he took medic over to a hospital bed comfort him, 5 minutes later heavy comes in the room
"does doktor wanna play che..." heavy says as he say sniper and medic sitting on the bed with medic crying in sniper's shoulder "what's wrong with doktor?"
"his dove has died, mate" sniper says looking at heavy and then back at medic again "he can play chess tomorrow"
"ok" heavy says sounding sad and leaves
medic cries for about an hour till he calm down a little, he lied on sniper still looking sad
"do you know how he died?" sniper asked
"no, i don't...but...i'm guessing its of old age" medic says
"you have had him for a long time" sniper says "and it's going to be hard to replace him since he was your closest friend"
"that's true" medic says "i'm going to miss him"
medic then pushes sniper to lie down and he puts his head on his chest and his arms around him, he then falls asleep and sniper ends up falling asleep to, though the nap medic has a dream and in the dream he is with archimedes doing all the things that they both loved to do, medic was happy in the dream until archimedes flies away from him, medic tried to go after him but he was just to fast and medic fell on his knees
"ARCHIMEDES!" medic shouted before he woke up, he though about what happened, hugged sniper and started to tear up, he then heard snipers heartbeat which seem to calm him down, he then hears a cooing noise, he looks up and he can see all the doves looking at him
"follow us" one of the doves says and they fly into the dove room, medic then gets up and goes into the dove room, when he gets there he sees the dove all sitting all over the dove room, they then all point to archimedes' cage at the back of the room, medic walks over to it
"open the bedroom" one dove says and medic opened the cage and then opened the bedroom
what he say made him shocked, he saw a egg and it was a fertilised egg, medic then rethought on what made archimedes die and it hit him, first of archimedes is a female and she must of died from pushing the egg out, she must of never layed an egg before and she died from exhaustion but it didn't explain why she was on the desk
"she had enough energy to fly to the desk" one dove says
"but when she got there, you weren't there" another dove says
medic was surprised to hear this, archimedes want to tell medic that she layed an egg but medic went to bed so she couldn't say anything and died on the desk, tears rolled down medics face and he smiled, he then grabbed archimede's egg and put it in his lab coat pocket, he closed the bedroom and cage and went back into the infirmary, he got to the infirmary, he went to his desk and turned on his desk lamp, he then look around to see if he can find a nest to put the egg in, he then notice snipers hat on the table by the hospital bed that he was sleeping in, he grabbed the hat, put it under the desk lamp and put the egg in the hat, he then went over to archimedes' body
"i'm sorry i wasn't there" medic said to the dove body "but i will take of your child and make you proud" medic then put the archimedes body in a shoe box that he found and he will bury it later
he goes back to the egg and it's was all warm from the lamp and snipers hat, the bedroom the egg was in before medic found it was very warm since doves and other birds love to be warm so their bedroom have warmth pad in them, medic smiled and then he looks at sniper who is still asleep, he walk over to sniper and put his hand on his cheek
"hope you don't mind me borrowing your hat" medic whispers, sniper moans a little then leans into medics hand "i'm guessing that's a no" medic smiles, puts his other hand on snipers cheek and nuzzles his face agents snipers then kisses him on the lips
sniper smiles then rolls over, medic strokes snipers hair then go and does a bit of work for a bit, a while later sniper wakes up and he looks at medic
"hey doc, you feeling better now?" sniper says while stretching
"hi sniper, yes i'm feeling better...thanks by the way for...comforting me" medic says then blushes a little
"no problem" sniper says getting up and walking over to medic "how long you been awake?"
"quite a while and i found something out while you've been asleep" medic says
"what's that?" sniper asks
"that archimedes was a girl and she died...from exhaustion" medic says
"exhaustion? why was she exhausted?" sniper says grabbing a chair and sitting down next to medic
"she was exhausted from laying this" medic says and then picks up the egg "she never layed eggs before and she had a hard time but she managed to do it...and then she came looking for me to say the news but i went to bed....so that how she died on my desk" he put the egg back in sniper's hat
"poor dove, i bet she wanted to see you happy for her and take care of it with her" sniper said, he comforted medic and then he realised something "does this mean now your a father to a dove chick?"
"...i'm guessing it does" medic says with a smile "but i'll bet the other doves will help too"
"i see your using my hat as a nest" sniper said now realisesing
"yeah sorry about that, its the only thing i could find in a small amount of time" medic says
"it's ok" sniper says "you can use it till the egg hatches"
"thank you" medic says and gives sniper a quick kiss then looks at the egg "since archimedes layed the egg last night, it will take 2 weeks for the chick to be born"
"how do you know that?" sniper asked
"archimedes wasn't and isn't the only female bird you know" medic said
"how many dove have you got then?" sniper ask curiously
"well counting the egg...ummm...40" medic says "20 males, 19 females and an egg
"that's a lot" sniper says
"i know but i don't mind" medic says with a smile
"you are a dove person so dove never bothered you" sniper says
"your right" medic said and he crosses his arms and lies his arms and head on the table, sniper lies his head on medic's shoulder
"have you though of a name?" sniper says
"for the egg?" medic says "umm...no i haven't yet"
"really? i though you'll name it Archimedes Jr or something" sniper says
"i might if the chick is more from its mothers side and likes to bury in bloods and organs" medic says remembering when archimedes buried in heavy's organs
"remember the time when archimedes got stuck in scouts chest and it took you a week to get her out of scout since scout was uncooperative" sniper says
"yeah that was funny yet frustration" medic says
"well i'm going to check on the others" sniper says "keep an eye on that egg by the way cause if i remember correctly, spy has a pet snake that loves eggs and it roams around"
medic got a little worried "ok i will, see you later"
"see you" sniper says and leaves
medic was missing sniper and became lonely but then he went back to writing things down and keeping an eye on the egg
at night medic was about to finish making medicine when sniper came in
"hey doc" sniper says
"hi sniper" medic says going over to him, hugs him and gives him a kiss
"how the egg doing?" sniper says after the kiss
"it's nice and warm in your hat" medic says
"everyone kept asking me where my hat went" sniper said "so i told them that i forgot it in your infirmary"
"that's good, anyway can you stay with me in the infirmary, i need to keep an eye on the egg so i can leave it and i need you to help me keep an eye on it" medic said
"sure thing doc" sniper says with a smile
"danke" medic said and give sniper a kiss on the cheek, he then takes sniper to the hospital bed, they settle down and go to sleep
the next day, the egg was still under the desk lamp in sniper's hat and medic was drawing in his doodlebook while keeping an eye on the egg like a mother checking on her baby now and again, he was drawing when heavy came in
"does doktor wanna play chess with me today" heavy said "i ask yesterday but you were upset"
"umm..." medic said then he looks at the egg "sure, where do you want to play it?"
"on table over there" heavy said pointing to the table
"ok" heavy says and both of them head to the table "why is snipers hat on your desk under a light?"
"hmm...oh yeah he left it here, i'll give it back to him later" medic said
"i can give it back to him" heavy replies
"no no no i'll do it" medic says trying to defend the hat
"...ok if doctor says so" heavy says
they have a very inpatient game of chess and medic was about to win when spy came in holding his hip
"bonjour doctor" spy says walking in "i had an accident and now my hip is bleeding badly
"ok spy just sit on the bed table and i'll be with you in a minute" medic says "i'll be back" he says to heavy before getting up and going to spy "spy...how did this happen?"
"demo was drunk again and he swang his sword at my hip" spy explained
"ok" medic says before pointing the medigun at spy, spy was looking around as the medigun was healing his wound when he notice snipers hat
"i see the bushmen has been here" spy says
"who sniper...yeah he been coming in here a lot" medic say before finishing healing the wound
"thank you doctor" spy says
"before you go, where is sniper" medic asks
"he having a nap at the front of his van" spy says
"ok danke" medic says and spy leaves
"anyway where were we" medic says walking back to heavy
meanwhile sniper was having a nap on a decchair at the front of his camper van, he found a bit difficult to have the nap without his hat over his face but he will get used to it, as he was napping he heard a familiar french voice
"hey bushmen" spy says
"what do you want spook" sniper replies
"i've heard from medic that you've been visiting him a lot lately" spy says
sniper opening his eyes to look at spy with a grumpy expression "yeah because his dove died yesterday night and he needed company" sniper says
"oh i see" spy says "well bye" and he leaves
"stupid spook" sniper mumbles to himself before going back to his nap
later medic finished his game with heavy and heavy decided to go to his room and clean sasha, medic went back to drawing in his doodlebook while still keeping an eye on the egg, in the doodlebook medic drew archimedes with her chick and he made the chick look like a mini archimedes, medic smiled at his drawing then he hears the door go, he looks and it was sniper
"hi doc" sniper says and walks over to medic
hello my liebe" medic said before giving sniper a kiss "i'm glad your here, i want to go somewhere but i can't leave the egg so can you look after it while i'm gone"
"sure doc, you are acting like a mother over this egg you know" sniper says
"well it belongs to archimedes and i will look after it for her like a mother" medic said proudly
"are you going to knit it a little hat when it born?" sniper says cheekily
"no...but that will look cute" medic said thinking about it
"you are funny" sniper says as he pulled medic in for a kiss
"my scharfschütze" medic says as they parted
"does that mean my name?" sniper asked
"ja" medic replied "my sweet sniper"
"and what's your in that german of your?" sniper asks in a low voice
"medizin" medic says with a smile
"ok my lovely medizin" sniper says sounding sexy
medic blushed quite red and kisses sniper again but for longer, when they parted sniper kissed medic on the forehead
"well i'm going now" medic says blushing a little "just sit in that chair at my desk and if you want, you can draw in my doodlebook, just make sure it's at the back page"
"will do doc" sniper says "see you" and waves, medic waves back and leaves the room
sniper went over to the desk and sighed, he then looks at the egg, picks it up and puts it under the light, he can see a little blob in the middle of the egg which was the chick, sniper smiled and puts the egg back in his hat, he though the egg didn't look comfy in his hat but then he then remembered that medic had a small blanket somewhere so he got up and went to look for it, when he got back after finding the blanket, he picks up the egg, puts the blanket in the hat then puts the egg back in again, he smiled on how cute the egg looked and sat back down again, he then grabs medic doodlebook, turn to the back page and start drawing random things
a while later sniper ended up drawing a koala, a dog, him and medic, a cat and the chick with a hat on its head, he smiled and then got curious, he turned the pages back and looked the drawing medic drew, everything he has seen before (from my other fanfic doodlebook and dove) but there was a page he hadn't seen before, they was apage dedicated to his doves, he drew one dove cleaning itself, another in a bird bath, one flying and the last bird was archimedes and she was cuddling with her chick with was a smaller version of archimedes, sniper chuckled on how cute it was then the door swang open and it was scout
"hey med...sniper? what you doing here and where is medic?" scout says
"medic gone out somewhere so he told me to watch the infirmary while he's gone" sniper says
"oh ok...but why you?" scout says
"he...trusts me the most" sniper says
"ok well tell him to come and find me when he gets back" scout says and leaves, sniper sighs and check on the egg which was still there
"my my we have been busy" spy says unclocking and looking at the egg
"spook?" sniper says then he notice spy touching the egg "leave that egg alone you snake"
"why? it's just an egg" spy says
"it's not 'just an egg', it's medic's...baby" sniper says trying to think on what to say
"so medic has decided to become a mother to a chick, very interesting" spy says
"now leave" sniper says "or i will tell medic you've been touching his egg" sniper says
"why does he care about this egg so much?" spy says
"...it's archimedes' egg, she died laying it and medic will guard it till it hatches" sniper explained when he didn't want to
"hmm.." spy says "then this is archimedes Jr then"
"well yeah till we find out if it is an archimedes Jr" sniper says
"what do you mean?" spy says
"well medic said if it like digging and burying in organs like archimedes used to do then it can be archimedes Jr" sniper says
"oh i see" spy says now understanding "why hasn't he told anyone?"
"he want to keep it a secret so people don't notice that archimedes is missing, i guess" sniper says
"ok...and i guess since medic has become the chicks mother...you are its father" spy says
sniper didn't really think about it like that, him being a father to a chick...sound weird
"wh..what make you think that?" sniper asks
"well when the mother bird leaves to get food, the father takes over to guard the eggs or in your case an egg and that's what your doing right now" spy explained
"...but medic hasn't gone to get food" sniper finally says after a long pause
"you know what i mean" spy says "anyway i'm off, bye 'father to be" and he leaves clocking
sniper blushes a little on what spy said before leaving, he then looks at the egg
"me, a father...to a chick" sniper thought "well if medic the mother, it won't be that bad" then the door swing open and it was medic
"i'm back, did you miss me?" medic said going over to sniper
"yeah" sniper says standing up "quite quite in here without you"
"well i'm back, how was the egg?" medic said and then he looks in the hat "you put a blanket in for it, your so sweet"
"i guess" sniper says blushing and rubbing the back of his head "anyway spy came in earlier and he said as your the mother of the egg...he said that i'm the...father"
"oh that's adorable" medic says holding snipers hands "you be a great father"
"but i have no idea what father birds do" sniper says
"well...they do similarly to what the mother does" medic said "but they are a bit more protective"
"you think i'm the protective type" sniper says
"well you did try and back spy away from the egg didn't you" medic says
"yeah...i did" sniper said remembering what he did
"so there you go" medic says "your be great"
"thanks doc" sniper says "spy also said that your the mother so does that mean you will be sitting on the egg all day"
"haha i wish but i don't have feathers" medic said laughing, sniper laughed back then he remember something
"oh yeah i almost forgot, scout wanted to see you but i don't what" sniper says
"ok i go and see him, you ok carrying on keeping an eye on the egg" medic says
"yeah but i'm going to sleep when you get...back" sniper says as he yawned
"ok liebe, you are doing a great job so far" medic said as he put his hands on sniper cheek
sniper smiles and he puts his head on medics head
"where did you go anyway?" sniper asks
"i had to go out for a while, i hadn't gotton any fresh air in 2 days" medic says "i also had to get something to eat"
"ok, now you go and see scout, i'll keep an eye on the egg" sniper says and gives medic a kiss
"see you in a bit" medic says after the kiss and leaves, sniper sits back down in medics desk chair, looks at the egg and draws in the back of medic doodlebook
when medic gets back, sniper gets up, gives medic a quick kiss, then head to the hospital bed to go to sleep, medic smiles and head to the desk to check on the egg which is still there and it's tucked into the blanket, medic smiles and head to where sniper is, settles down and go to sleep cuddling sniper and sleeping on his chest, meanwhile spy gather everyone to tell then about sniper and medic strange behaviour
"and that's why medic has been in his office a lot and hasn't left it as much" spy says after explaining
"so your saying that medic's favourite dove layed an egg and it died from exhaustion and medic is going to spend his days in the infirmary guarding the egg and when it hatches, he is going to care for it for the dead dove" scout recaps
"with sniper's help yes" spy says "he cares about that dove dearly so when the egg hatches, he hoping that the dove will take more of its mother's side so you won't know that archimedes is dead"
"feel sorry for doktor" heavy says sighing
"me too" engie says
"isn't archimedes the one that was stuck in my chest" scout says
"yes she is" spy says
"i'm going to miss that little dove" demo said drunk
"imma gonna miss its blood stained feathers" scout says
sad mumbles from pyro
"i'm not going to let my team get all sad over a dove" soldier says "he got plenty more doesn't he?"
"yeah but archimedes was special, she followed medic everywhere and they were inseparable" engie says
"i forgot about that" soldier says "now i'm sad too"
"but don't worry" spy says "the next generation of archimedes is coming soon and everything will go back to normal"
cheering mumbles from pyro
"yeah your right" scout says "then we will see medic more often again"
"hooray" everyone says and drank beer
meanwhile miss pauling was on night watch and she hear what the mercs said
"archimedes?" miss pauling said "is dead?"
she looked up archimedes on the computer and she found archimedes data banks
"lets see...archimedes...she, she? i though she was a he all well, she died from...exhaustion from afterbirth" miss pauling said "poor dove"
"what you doing miss pauling?" the administrator said
"oh admin, i didn't see you there" miss pauling said panicking
"why are you looking up a dove?" the administrator says
"oh this is archimedes, he...i mean she belonged to medic but it has passed away" miss pauling explained
"so, medic has a ton more of other doves doesn't he?" the adminatrator says
"yeah but this dove was special to him, she followed him everywhere and she never left his side" miss pauling says
"what medic going to do now?" the adminatrator says
"well according to the others, him and sniper are taking care of an egg archimedes layed before she passed" miss pauling says
"hmm...get up the infirmary camera" the admimatrator says
"ok" miss pauling says and they get up the infirmary computer, miss pauling zooms in on the egg that in sniper's hat under a desk lamp with a blanket wrapped around it "there is the egg the others were talking about"
"i see" the adminatrator says "well make sure that medic will fight in battle on monday"
"yes admin" miss pauling says
"and make sure the other one does too" the adminatrator says
"yes admin" miss pauling says
"night pauling" the adminatrator says and leaves
when the adminatrator leave miss pauling looks at the egg then at sniper and medic who are asleep in the hospital bed
"i hope i don't have to crack that egg to get you two out to battle" miss pauling though "i really don't wanna"
miss pauling then check on the other mercs one last time before going to bed.
The next morning sniper and medic took turns watching the egg while the other had a wash, got dressed and had breakfast, after doing that they spend time together till miss pauling came to see them holding something
"hi guys, i heard about archimedes and i'm sorry for the loss but i heard about the egg" miss pauling said "but will you two still be able to battle on monday"
"sure we are" sniper says "we just need to find a way to protect it while we are gone"
"well here" miss pauling says and gives medic a tub "it's called an incubator, it will keep the egg warm and safe"
"danke fräulein pauling" medic says, he puts the incubator in a plug, he puts the egg in it and turns it on
"this is great" sniper says "now we don't have to look after it as much"
"but i will miss looking after it" medic says
"don't worry medic, you can look after it over the weekends" pauling says
"ok" medic says after a big silence
"good well i'm off" pauling says and leaves
medic sits down looking sad and sniper comfort him
"it'll be safe in there medic, i notice as well it much warmer in there then what the lamp heat gave" sniper says
"your right" medic says "here" medic gave sniper his hat back, sniper took the blanket out and stuck the hat back on his head
sniper then looked at the camera in the corner of the room, then at the incubator and this gave him an idea, he left the room with a confused medic looking at him, he then returns an hour later with a wireless camera, he sets it up by the incubator and turns it on
"here" sniper says handing medic a screen "now you can watch it all the time"
"how did you..." medic says
"i asked engie to make a wireless camera so you can keep an eye on the egg while your in battle" sniper explained
"you..." medic said speechless, he looks at the screen where he can see the egg in the incubator and back at sniper "oh thank you, liebe" medic give sniper a big hug and a kiss
"i do anything for you love" sniper says
medic blushes, sits down with sniper next to him and carries on with his work while watching the screen of the egg.
almost 2 weeks later, medic was getting excited since the egg was about to hatch at any moment, he stayed in the infirmary and watched the egg in the incubator like a hawk, as he was watching it sniper came in to see him
"still watching that egg doc" sniper says walking over
"ja" medic says looking at sniper
"if it was going to hatch, your hear a cracking noise" sniper says "anyway your acting like..,"
"a mother waiting baby to be due, i know" medic says cutting off sniper "but hopefully it will be worth it"
"yeah" sniper says "anyway if it doesn't act like archimedes, have you though of a name"
"well if it's a girl i'm going to call it allie and if it's a boy...umm...alfie" medic says
"going with the a trend" sniper says
"yeah since it's archimedes' child, why wouldn't i make it start with an a" medic said
"good point" sniper says
then a cracking noise was heard, medic and sniper look at each other
"did you hear that?" medic says
"yeah, check the egg" sniper replies, they look at the egg and it was starting to crack
"it's...HATCHING!" medic shouted like a girl seeing her favourite celebrity
"alroght calm down" sniper say
sniper and medic watch the egg crack and after a good 10 minutes the chick was born
"it's entzückend" medic says
"that means adorable right?" sniper asks
"ja" medic replies
"good cause i think so too" sniper says
the chick cheeped and then looks at sniper and medic, medic put his hand in the incubator and lies it flat for the chick to jump on, the chick jumps on his hand and medic lifts it out of the incubator
"it has archimedes' face" medic says looking at the chick
"doesn't all birds have archimedes face" sniper says
"true but i'm being nice to it so shush" medic says
the chick cheeps again
"i thinks it hungry" sniper says
"i was thinking that too" medic says "come ill give you your food" medic takes the chick to his desk, put it down, went to his draw and picks up tweezers and a tub of meal worms, sniper sat down next to medic who was picking up a meal worm with tweezers
"ok down the hatch" medic says and shows the chick the meal worm, the chick eats the meal worm and medic keeps feeding it meal worms till it was full, after eating the chick had big white feathers and it looked cute, then medic picked it up and went to check its gender
"it's a girl" medic says
"good now it just needs a name" sniper says
medic put the chick down and the chick sees a puddle of blood on near the edge of the desk, it goes over to it and sits in it
"Archimedes Jr it is" medic says watching the baby dove sitting in the pool of blood "it's just like it's mother"
sniper puts his finger on the dove and it loves his attention
"it love attention like its mother too" medic says
"are you going to figure out who the dad was?" sniper asks
"maybe when it's older" medic says
"ok well...i'm going to bed" sniper says with a yawn, he walk over to his and medic's hospital bed and settles down to go to sleep
medic puts archimedes jr in the incubator with the blanket sniper found and makes a nest out of it, he puts it in the incubator and archimedes jr goes to it and falls asleep, medic smiles and he goes over to sniper, settles down next to him and both of them kiss before falling asleep.
The end (wow this was long)

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