BushMedicine with Reader - Blushing

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Since you have been working with the (RED!/BLU!) you have been noticing that a certain bushmen gets all blushed up when he around a certain medicine man so you plan to get him to confess his feeling to the medicine man.

You wake up, have a shower and get changed as normal and head into the kitchen, when you get to the kitchen you see sniper reading his newspaper and drinking his coffee and medic sitting on the other side of the table eating his breakfast,
"hi guys" you say waving at them
"hello, (y/n)" medic and sniper say and carry on on what they were doing, you make your breakfast and sit down where you can see sniper and medic
you were eating you were your breakfast when you notice something, you see sniper looking at medic and then hiding behind his newspaper again blushing, he did this a couple of times and you were certian he had a crush on medic, you then look at medic who is still eating his breakfast, as you were looking at medic you didn't notice sniper was looking at you
in Sniper's Mind
"I want to tell medic how i feel about him but i can't so maybe if (y/n) can help me what to do, i can release myself of these feeling"
Back to You
you were about to leave after eating your breakfast when sniper stops you
"hey can you come with me to the camper van, there is something i need to ask" he said trying to hid a blush
"sure thing" you say and both of you went to sniper's camper van, when you two got there sniper and you sit down on a log and sniper looks at you
"i call you here to get some advice on how to..-" he starts to say
"confess your feeling to medic" you say
"how did you" sniper says quite shocked
"i kept seeing you look at medic and then blush up at breakfast" you said with a smile after
"oh..." sniper said rubbing the back his head
"don't worry, i know what to do, you just go up to him and say 'umm...medic...umm..i..i umm...kinda...of umm like..like..you' like that" you say roleplaying
sniper smiled by your roleplaying and you smiled, you and him practised for a while and sniper started to build his coffadents
meanwhile medic was still sitting at the table lost in thought
In Medic's Mind
"i know he has feeling for me and i have feeling for him but i don't know, i'm to unsure if he'll want to go out with me"
Back to You again
after doing some practice with sniper you headed back inside, as you got back in medic stopped you
"can you come with me to the lab...please" medic said sounding serious but then looking down when he said please
you know where this was going and you followed medic to the lab, when you got there, medic shut the door
"let me guess, you have a crush on sniper and you don't know if he loves you back" you said smugly
"how did you know" medic said kinda shocked
"sniper has the same feeling and i've been teaching him how to tell you that he loves you" you said
medic blushes up by the fact that sniper does in fact love him and looks away from you
"don't worry, i'll arrange for you two to meet...umm...in my room later, it's quite in there and nobody will disturb us so you two love bugs can let it out" you said
th...thank you" medic said blushed up
"i'll go and tell sniper" you said and open the door
"wait, should i look smart for later" medic said stopping you
"just take your coat off and you'll be fine" you said and leave
you head back to sniper camper van and sniper is still practising his line
"hey sniper, i want you to come to my room later, it's time to confess" you said and wink at him, he blushes up
"do i look fine" he said looking at his clothes
"you look great and if you get nervous, i will be there" you said to comfort him
"thanks" he said and goes into his camper van, you walk back to the base feeling proud of yourself
you are in your room with sniper waiting for medic to appear, medic opens the door and sniper starts blushing up
"it's ok, i'm here" you wisper to him and he smile, he walk up to medic and medic looks at him with a smile with a little blush making sniper blush and you started to read a book so you wouldn't stare but you were still kinda staring
"hey...medic...i...uh...i...umm-" sniper started to say but was cut off but a kiss from medic, sniper was shock by the kiss but then pulled medic in closer to deepen the kiss
you smile and blush up a little by the kiss but you were happy that they are together now, they kiss for quite a while till they had to stop to get some air
"lets go to my camper van, i want to show you around" sniper said giving a wink to medic and medic blushed
"thanks for your help (y/n)" medic said and both of them left your room, you smile and carry on reading your book till you were tired and decided to have a nap.
The End 😋

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