Helmet Party - Hell-land Goggles

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(This is a fanfic based on the idea that pyro sees soldier and engineer as his parents and they don't seem to mind)

It was a nice sunny morning at the RED base and everyone was doing their own thing before they go out to fight ageist the BLUs once again, scout was in his room reading one of his favourite comic books, demoman was in his room making sure he was fully loaded up with his grenades and sticky bombs in his grenade launcher and sticky bomb launcher, heavy was in his room making sure sasha was clean, medic and sniper were together in the living room with medic thinking if he wanted his normal medium or the kritzkrieg medigun while sniper was making sure his scope was clean so he could see thought it, spy was in his smoking room having a few cigarettes while checking if his gun was loaded, soldier and engineer were in the kitchen with talking to soldier while drinking a coffee and soldier talking to engineer while drinking a coffe out of his favourite mug and lastly there was pyro.
pyro was in his room drawing a cute picture while a little fire was going in his fireplace he had in his room, pyro was doing some finishing touches on the picture before holding it up happily feeling proud of the drawing, he then gets up and leaves his room holding onto the drawing hoping to find engineer and soldier as the picture involved them, he runs to the kitchen happily and when he opens the door, he sees soldier and engineer look at him as he opens the door and engineer smiles at him while soldier gave a little smirk
"hello pyro, what's up?" engineer says happily but calmly and pyro smiles happily
pyro goes over to engineer happily and he then shows engineer the picture he did, the picture was of himself with engineer and soldier under a rainbow with the sun in the sky and the green grass on the ground
"this is really cute, pyro, i'm going to put this on the fridge!" engineer says happily after showing it to soldier who was also smiling at the picture and this made pyro clap happily
engineer was about to put it on the fridge when suddenly the adminatrator through the speakers goes off telling the mercs to get ready, engineer ran off dropping the drawing as he ran and it conveniently landed on the table, soldier sees this and he grabs the drawing from the table and puts it in one of his pockets so he can put it on the fridge when the team get back, a few hours later and the 9 mercenaries were at CTF_Well where the fight was underway, soldier, demo, heavy and medic were at the middle, scout was running from the BLU base to the RED base with the intel if he doesn't get killed, spy was sneaking around the BLU base making sure scout grabs the intel, engineer was guarding the intelligence, pyro was around the spawn guarding and sniper was at the windows at the top shooting the BLUs, pyro was doing a really good job keeping an eye out for any spies getting passed him and when they do, he makes sure he finishes the job when one of engineer's building gets attacked or destroyed, everything was going well for the REDs being 2 to 1 as the BLUs did a strange win after a 'lucky' incident' happened but that was back when the round started.
while pyro was guarding, the BLU spy was hiding around the corner watching pyro as he turns around and walks away but not very far as he went to the other corridor, the spy then hides ageist the door when pyro comes back and sighs in relief when he sees pyro didn't see him, he thinks on what to do then he suddenly get a mixture of a idea and a realisation like he forgot something before rummaging though his suit jacket, he then finds what he was looking for as he smiles and he pulls it out, the thing was some pyroland goggles but they looked different as they had flames on the outer glass, spy smiles wickedly and he made himself invisible again while laughing quietly, pyro was still looking around when he suddenly heard a funny noise, he looks around confused by the noise which was a whistling noise then suddenly he get something put on his mask which makes him confused and freak out.
in pyro's vision, he wasn't in the corridor anymore and instead, he was in a swimming pool which freaked him out and he started to panic, he then sees his teammates making him happy for a second until he sees that they looked disappointed and annoyed, they then started to say mean and horrible things to him which made him freak out further as he lay on the floor rocking with his hands on his face, the BLU spy who was watching from the door started laughing emily before he went invisible and goes into the room where the intelligence was, meanwhile in the room with the intelligence, engineer was relaxing in his ranch relaxo chair drinking a beer and relaxing as nothing was happening when suddenly he felt something was off as he felt worried, at the same time engineer felt this feel, soldier who was in the middle of the battle ageist the BLU heavy, medic and demoman suddenly stops after defeating the demoman and he looks over to the RED base confused and worried
"pyro?" both engineer and soldier say at the same time as they look worried and concerned
soldier decided to go and check what was going on as he starts walking back to the base
"soldier, lad, where are you going?" demoman asks as he sees soldier going to the base
"i'm just getting some more ammo from spawn, i'm running low" soldier says kinda lying and he runs off to the base
heavy, medic and demoman look at him confused as they glance over to a full box of ammo spinning idlely next to medic, then they see scout running towards them having the briefcase on his back with the BLU pyro, scout and soldier following him so they get ready to fight, with engineer and he gets off his relaxo to find pyro as he was concerned about him, he was about to leave the room when suddenly, pyro comes in the room but engineer knew it wasn't pyro as he still felt worried and concerned
"spy!" engineer yells out and he fires his shotgun at the pyro
the pyro suddenly turns into the BLU spy as he died to the ground, engineer looks around hoping that spy didn't use the dead ringer and he doesn't see him but was still on guard, the problem was he was looking in front of him as the BLU spy was now behind him disguised as the pyro, he was about to backstab engie but then he hears a sudden static noise
"oh, fu-" the BLU spy says annoyed before exploding from a crocket
engineer looks behind him after BLU spy explodes then looks to right corridor to see soldier standing there looking proud that spy was gone then relief he saved engineer
"soldier, i'm so glad that you were here, that spy would of got me and sapped my building" engineer says relieved and happy to see soldier as he goes over to him
they have a hug as engineer needed it and when engineer pulls away, he realises something
"what are you doing here, anyway? shouldn't you be at the front?" engineer asks confused and soldier looks at him worried
"well, i uhh-" soldier replies looking guilty for some reason but then he was cut off by scout
"hey hard hat, something is wrong with pyro, he's just rocking on the floor looking like he's having a panic attack or something" scout says kinda fast talking but also worried as he points to the corridor he just came out from
engineer and soldier look at each other concerned before they run off down the corridor scout came from while scout watches, scout then goes over to the platform the RED's intel was on to drop off the BLU's intel making the REDs win the game
"victory" the adminatrator says though the speakers with some people cheering happily
scout smiles as he sees his gun was now glowing red and he runs off to hopefully kill some BLUs before the others get to them first, with engineer and soldier and they get concerned as they see pyro still curled up in a ball rocking stressfully and if he could, he would probably be crying too
"pyro? pyro! are you okay?!" engineer says worried as he shakes pyro but he wasn't getting a response from him "man, what did that BLU spy do to you?" he adds annoyed but calm as he looked around pyro for anything different
"what going on with pyro?" soldier asks engineer looking concerned
"i dunno...can you pick him up for me? i want to take him into spawn" engineer says puzzled then he asks soldier who nods seriously
soldier picks up pyro who was easy to pick up as he was quite light but not as light as scout and then he follows engineer into the spawn that was behind the platform where the intel was, when they get in there, soldier places pyro down on one of the benches to the left side and both him and engineer was hovering over pyro with engineer crouching in front of pyro and soldier standing next to him, the pair just didn't know what was wrong with pyro and it was worrying them like parents worried about their child, engineer sighs worried and annoyed he couldn't do anything and he pets pyro on the head to comfort him, pyro did react a little as he jumps a little but went straight back to being scared and stressed, suddenly the spawn doors open and it was scout, medic and sniper
"there he is, medic, i don't know what's wrong with him but he looks bad" scout says as he points to pyro with worry in his voice and face
medic goes over to pyro while soldier and engineer move out the way, medic then checks out pyro while scout, sniper, soldier and engineer watch worried and curious as medic studies pyro while tucking him around the mask
"hmm, yes, it seems pyro is having some type of very severe traumatic stress but...i can't seem to see what is causing it" medic says as he stands up looking in thought but a bit concerned "do you know what caused it?" he asks as he looks at both engineer and soldier
"we think it has something to do with the BLU spy as he probably needed to get passed pyro to get to me to backstab me and then destroy my sentry, dispenser and teleporter" engineer explains and medic looks back at pyro to think "but we don't know what he did to him to make him this way" he adds and soldier nods calmly but seriously next to him
"hmm...i suggest you keep an eye on him for now and if he changes in anyway, let me know" medic says looking between pyro and engineer with soldier
the pair nod sadly and then medic leaves with both sniper and scout following behind him but not before scout looks at pyro having worry in his face, he then leaves and it left soldier, engineer and a traumatic pyro in the respawn room, when everyone did leave, engineer sighs and he walks in front of soldier where he puts his head on his chest after he takes his yellow hard hat off, soldier jumps a little by this but then he wraps his arms around engineer to comfort him which calmed engineer down a little, engineer then lifts his head and lies his head on soldiers chest with his left cheek, the pair stay hugging for a while enjoying each others company and comfort until they legs grew tired from standing so they sit on the floor in front of pyro's bench, suddenly as they were sitting there, they see the doors open and scout comes in looking concerned
"is pyro still in his trauma state?" scout says worried and he gets a nod from both engineer and soldier "aww, man, this is really bad" he adds worried and he goes over to pyro while soldier and engineer watch him "hey pyro, whatever you are goin' though, it's not real, okay, that BLU spy did something to you but he's gone now so he won't hurt you anymore, okay" he says sounding a mixture of stressed and concerned and engineer smiles at him
"yeah, pyro, it's all over now, you are safe in the respawn with me, soldier and scout, we also won the match which is great" engineer says happily and soldier nods next to engineer
"yeah, and you did a great job protecting engineer!" soldier says happily and engineer smiles at him sweetly
in pyro's mind, he can hear scout, engineer and soldier talking to him but he wasn't sure where the voices were coming from, he tries to think of pyroland but he always ended up back at the swimming pool with water everywhere and no fire in sight, he then sees a little light in the distance and he decide to go after it, he kept running and running feeling like he ran forever at this point but then the light was finally starting to get closer, back with engineer and soldier and engineer fell asleep on soldier with his head on soldier's shoulder, soldier was still awake as he had his left arm around engie to keep him close as he slept but he was starting to get tired, he then put his right hand in his in his pocket as his hand was getting cold but then he felt something in his pocket, he pulls it out and he sees that it was the drawing pyro drew this morning before they set off, he smiles at the picture and then he snuggles up to engineer putting his head on engineer's head then he drops off to sleep smiling.
meanwhile in pyro's mind and pyro finally makes it to the light he saw, he sees that it's a rainbow fire and he eyes sparkle when he looks at it, he then reaches his hand out to touch it and when he does, he hears a cracking sound like glass breaking, he looks around confused but then he sees some figures walking over to him, he then smiles when he sees that it was engineer and soldier but they were just dresssed differently, engineer had a pink apron on and he looked like a stay at home mom while soldier was kinda wearing a suit looking like a workaholic dad
"you did it, pyro, you managed to snap yourself out of the evil pyro vision goggles that the BLU spy put on you" the engineer says happily as he hugs pyro
"you done us proud, son!" soldier says happily as he joins engineer to hug pyro
pyro felt so happy that he was getting hugged by engineer and soldier and he hugs the pair back hoping to never let go but soon, engineer and soldier pull away making pyro feel sad and a bit touched starved even if he was just hugged
"it's time for us to go now, pyro but don't worry, we will see you again soon" engineer says happily and soldier nods next to him
"yeah, son, in real life and in your dreams, so you be a good boy and you might get a lollipop" soldier adds and pyro claps happily while jumping up and down
engineer and soldier then leave and pyro looked sad but suddenly a light start appearing and it was very white, pyro covers his eyes as the light was very bright and then he slowly wakes up seeing he was in the respawn room, pyro then sits up and he looks around before he lands his eyes on soldier and engineer who were both still asleep, pyro then spots the drawing he drew this morning which soldier was loosely holding onto and he gets giddy seeing that both soldier and engineer were adorable about missing him, he then turns around on the bench so he was behind soldier and engineer and he goes to sleep realising how exhausted he was from his stress attack so he goes to sleep.
a few hours later and engineer was the first to wake up, he tries to move but soldier was a bit heavy on his head, engineer then turns his head to the left and he starts kissing and nibbling soldier's cheek to try and get him to wake up, it kinda works as soldier moans a little and then lifts his head up a little so engineer could move his head out the way, engineer was then about to get up whe he spots something in soldier's left hand and he smiles when he sees it was pyro's picture that he drew which he forgot to put up on the fridge
'soldier must of took it when i ran off to get ready' engineer thought as he looks at the picture then at soldier smiling
engineer then peaks soldier on the lips at he was still asleep and then he turns to pyro seeing that he had moved while they were asleep, suddenly pyro wakes up and engineer smiles at pyro seeing pyro moving
"hello pyro, have you gotten over your trauma?" engineer says happily seeing pyro was fine and pyro nods very fast
pyro then explains to engineer what happens and he then takes his goggles off that spy put on him and gave then to engineer to look at
"hmm...these seem to be hell goggles, i've seen these being sold on the mann co catalog a few days ago, i guess the BLU spy wanted to see what they did and put them on you" engineer says as he looks between the goggles and pyro "but i'm glad you managed to break out of them, i would of hated it to see you always stressed out and unable to fight, who am i going to get to guard me and my building if you weren't there, sure, there is soldier but he need to be at the front with heavy, demo and medic so i can't rely on him all the time" he rambles as he also points to soldier at one point
pyro smiles with a nod and then he tackles engineer into a hug, engineer was surprised at first but then hugs back happily, at this point, soldier was now awake and he lifts up his helmet to see what was going in, he smiles seeing that pyro was okay so he stands up and he joins in hugging both engineer and pyro, the trio were back and pyro felt so happy to be with his dads again after a traumatic experience.
The End

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